There is an invader on Krakoa. An interloper inside Pyro, and Emma is determined to get him out. Gerry Duggan, Matteo Lolli, and Edgar Delgado spin a yarn of mutant misdirection as Marauders #9 keeps its readers guessing.
Christina Eddleman: This cover made me think I was in for lots of Bishop content, but I am excited to discuss perhaps the most Emma-centric issue we’ve seen so far in Marauders. Duggan has given us a spot on Emma Frost and the fallout of Kate’s murder has been fascinating to see.
Vishal Gullapalli: I wouldn’t have complained if we got a full Bishop issue, but I’m very, very happy with the perspective we’re getting on Emma here. As always, we also get some prime Pyro content – and since I’ve decided to rebrand as the world’s biggest Pyro fanboy, this issue was really just everything I could want from Marauders.
Emma Taking Control

CE: To me, Emma is always ten steps ahead and always in control, but this issue shows us a raw, somewhat defeated Emma. We see a cold determination in her as she works to unravel the mess Verendi has made. Her life is spiraling and she’ll be damned if she lets one thing within her power to correct get past her. She sits freezing and alone creating someone else’s fantasy and it makes me ache.
VG: I came down with the flu over the weekend, so I’m relating to Pyro very hard. It really sucks to have a malicious foreign entity coursing through your bloodstream. But Emma is taking absolutely no bulls-word – even with everything she’s had to deal with over the last month, she’s playing 4D chess while Yellowjacket’s playing Connect-4. She had an illusion inside of an illusion!
CE: It’s an illusion inception and IT GOT ME SO HARD! I believed that Yellowjacket had exploded Pyro and just thought ‘well there goes the face tattoo.’ This is a perfect example of the Emma I always expect. It was so important to me that Emma ultimately sought out Bishop’s help and advice for how to best deal with the situation. Her ability to recognize when she needed help demonstrates just how capable she is. Only a foolish person takes on everything by themselves.
VG: She also brings in Magneto and the Cuckoos (although only three of them) to help with the eviction of Yellowjacket, which led to some interesting interactions. Namely, the Cuckoos are still calling Emma “mum” and I find it delightful. I also love how she turns it around on Verendi and really forces some consequences onto these dastardly children. They deserve it.
CE: Absolutely! It was nice to see them get a bit of what they had coming. I loved Pyro’s enthusiasm for sending them a message contrasted with Emma’s half hearted reaction. While she has managed to take control of an awful lot, perhaps what seems out of her control is really the most important.
Not In Emma’s Control… Yet

VG: Sadly, despite how well Emma handled the “Pyro Incident,” she’s hiding a lot of her pain from everyone around her. She’s been trying to get Kate resurrected seemingly since they found her body, but for whatever reason, the husks just aren’t being viable. Now, this could be for a legitimate reason that Xavier doesn’t understand, but when he said he didn’t know why I just felt a pang of distrust – after all, this is the guy who’s been holding Destiny’s resurrection hostage from Mystique since House of X.
CE: Between that and he’s desire to keep Emma from talking to The Five, I cannot feel like Xavier is being forthright about what is going on with the resurrection process. The Five do appear defeated and exhausted. There are a lot of wild theories running around about Kate and Krakoa’s incompatibility. Do you have any favorite theory?
VG: This might be a bit of a stretch, but my thought is that Warlock’s presumably been slowly infecting bits of Krakoa with the transmode virus, based on Powers Of X and X-Men #7. Kate’s phasing power is really great, but one of its biggest side effects is that she utterly destroys technology she phases through. This could be almost an immune system defense from Krakoa to prevent someone who could destroy its new techno-organic form. Or, maybe Doug’s just being really petty and trying to keep her out.
CE: I have to agree that it seems like Krakoa’s got beef with Kate. Bishop does mention that they regularly send electromagnetic pulses throughout the island, but I don’t know if that would have any effect on Warlock or the transmode virus. [Ed. note: Sending an EMP across the whole island seems like a really bad idea right? What about their phones?] Kate has phased while on Krakoa and Krakoa did build her a house, so that also complicates matters. I do get the sinking feeling that Xavier might know exactly what’s wrong though, and I am so anxious for what seems to be building up to one of the biggest reveals of this book.
VG: The solicit for Kate’s funeral doesn’t bode well for Emma’s attempts to have the Five resurrect her. I’m worried for Emma’s state of mind and mental health, having to process all this grief right after being promised she’d never lose anyone she loved again. At the very least, if there’s one thing she’s always capable of, it’s putting on a strong front – I doubt we’ll get a public display of that grief, no matter how hard she’s taking it.
What We Think Emma Doesn’t Know (But She Probably Does)

CE: Now Duggan’s writing would lead us to believe there’s a great many threats that Emma doesn’t know about, but I like to imagine that she definitely does. We’ve seen more from our X-Desk in regards to the potential contamination of Krakoan medicine, a threat we’ve seen looming for awhile. Now that Emma has gotten so much intel from Yellowjacket and confronted Verendi, do you think we’ll see more action from Krakoa on this front?
VG: I think we will – the last page is a data page about the “Pyro Incident” that goes a little into depth about how Krakoa plans on responding. I feel like they’re definitely going to be a little more proactive, with the existence of X-Force, but at the very least now that the Marauders know who their enemy in Madripoor is, they’re definitely going to take action. The X-Desk has also apparently become aware of Verendi, too!
CE: It’s been fascinating learning a bit more about Krakoan security and watching it adapt. What we haven’t seen yet is how they will deal with Sebastian Shaw if and when he is discovered. While I’m sure Emma has her suspicions, we haven’t seen much concrete evidence to tie Shaw to Kate’s death. I think that may be changing, especially since Bishop seems like he may have discovered something. I am betting this something has to do with the plant he found on Kate’s corpse.
VG: Speaking of that plant, Emma doesn’t know about what Bishop didn’t find on Kate’s corpse – Lockheed being the goodest boy in all of comics. Seriously, he’s adorable and precious and I love him so much. He’s finally recovered, and he’s making his way back to Krakoa! This will hopefully really help the Marauders find out the truth of what happened.
CE: The fish left on the pillow, Lockheed’s final gesture of appreciation to his rescuer, just shows how Lockheed is truly the best good boy. Since he is the only witness to Kate’s murder, I sure hope he heads to the Marauders first and not to avenge Kate’s death. His return brings me hope.
VG: I really enjoyed the deeper dive into Emma’s psyche this issue. Her monologue at the end of the issue directed at Kate was incredibly emotional and really cemented a lot of the subtext that Duggan’s put into this story. I’m also super excited for where the book’s going forward. The next issue has Forge on the cover, and they’re apparently going after the power dampening hardware Verendi’s been investing in. I love how many plates this book is spinning at the same time, I feel like I’ve been on the edge of my seat for 5 straight issues now. [Ed. note: The perfect time to move to single shipping!]
CE: Marauders has done a great job of giving us so much story in a cohesive, tantalizing way. It’s an action packed mystery that has a little something for everyone. This issue, for example, managed to please my Emma-loving heart while giving Vishal more to love about Pyro. I am continually impressed with how patiently this story is told. It will only make this arc’s conclusion that much sweeter.
X-Traneous Thoughts

- “Burn you tiny hate goblins!” – Pyro’s taunts are great
- “Some sort of show about oiled-up hillbillies binge-drinking on the tackiest beach I’ve ever seen.” I am DYING to know what this is referencing. Jersey Shore maybe?
- There are definitely folks that are going to read a lot into Emma’s choice of female love interest in the Pyro/Yellowjacket fantasy. Way to stoke that Jean-Emma fire, Gerry!
- We call Gerry Duggan, Uncle Gerry now.
- With Free Bird as his newest sing along song, Pyro’s proving his impeccable music taste.
- Ending Krakoan Reads: HUSH
Christi Eddleman is the world’s first Captain Kate Pryde cosplayer and co-host of Chrises On Infinite Earths.
Vishal Gullapalli is a comics enthusiast studying computer science to enable his media consumption. He’s currently reading through the entirety of DC’s New 52 (for some reason) and logging his experience.