Learn The Secrets Of The Starlight Citadel In Excalibur #9

The song has been sung, the amulet taken up, there is a new Captain Britain and a Braddock sits yet again on the thrown of Otherworld. But where then is the Omniversal Majestrix? Where is Her Royal Whyness? Where is Opal Luna Saturnyne? Tini Howard, Marcus To, and Erik Arciniega answer this questions and more in Excalibur #9!

Charlie Davis: Man oh man do we have some new, larger pieces moving onto the board with this issue of Excalibur. I didn’t really think that it had sunk in before, but I’m fairly certain that this war of expansion is going to have some devastating consequences for everyone on the team. They are about to be trapped between two god-like beings for better or worse and…I have to say I’m a little worried for all of them. 

Nola Pfau: WHEW. I’ve got an inkling how this is gonna end, I think, but knowing how Excalibur’s adventures have gone so far, the ride itself is gonna be wild. It’s good to see Saturnyne pop up; after the first eight issues, she definitely feels like another piece of the Excalibur puzzle. I don’t remember her being this…warlike, though, in the past.

Starlight, Starbright

CD: It seems a lot of things have changed, not just the mutants but the world as it appears around them. I won’t pretend to know much about Saturnyne outside of a few things here or there, but it seems like her peaceful citadel is now also rocked by the same kind of war that invaded Otherworld.  I’m starting to see a bit of an unsettling through line here. While Krakoa thrives, lots of other places are being turned upside down. It will be wild to see everything start to crumble, especially when it relates to Betsy’s new position. 

NP: It’s interesting to me that the citadel here is peaceful as you say, because this is definitely the spot where they once tried to execute Betsy’s brother Brian [Ed. note: and her boyfriend Fantomex]. It seems that it’s gotten that way through a concerted effort by Saturnyne to isolate her community rather than take sides in the war, which is…disappointing. Still, I suppose one of her stated ambition wouldn’t waste time on a war she doesn’t see an opportunity for advancement in, and she’s already far beyond the day-to-day politics of Otherworld.

CD: There is just so much to peel back here. The team, no matter who’s side they were really on, would still be a victim of manipulation any way you slice it. I think this issue, more than any other proves that to me. They have kind of been caught up in it even since the first issue, but only now do I see that they are chess pieces being played. I do hope, for everyone’s sake that they get some autonomy back—especially Betsy. I do think this is purposeful on the part of Tini. Keeping the team at a certain disadvantage until they can really rise to the occasion. 

NP: Oh, it’s absolutely purposeful. Tini’s leaning into that same ritualistic sort of writing that she did during the first arc; this time, it’s Saturnyne, instead of •┤Ȧ├•. It’s interesting to watch, because it does feel a bit like an inverse of that; when •┤Ȧ├• was performing a spell, we didn’t really see a lot out of Morgan Le Fay other than a sort of reactionary petulance. For all that we called it war, it really…wasn’t one? She was outplayed by •┤Ȧ├• at every maneuver. Now, with Saturnyne controlling the board, I’m curious to see whether Excalibur will figure out the game before it ends.

CD: They are smart people just thrust into a bad situation. No one has been able to catch their breath. Now that I’m thinking about it…I’m almost certain that •┤Ȧ├• selected this team for a reason. Everyone one of these people were in flux and or in crises. Jubilee having to raise a human kid on Krakoa, Rouge and Gambit adjusting to married life, Rictor in a terrible depression and Betsy attempting to find her place in the world. Everyone has been off balance since day one. Following orders because what else is there to do? Everything •┤Ȧ├• asks of them, they do. In the name of Krakoa because…what else are they supposed to do? Everyone’s missing a little bit of their identity in this new place.

NP: Everyone but Gambit. Gambit is the voice of reason. Gambit. We have to put our faith in…Gambit. [Ed. note: seriously, Gambit…]

Let’s circle back around to Jubilee though, because she has a MOMENT here in this issue.

Mama Mia!

CD: She sure does. You know, even if death being the end is maybe off the table, I would like to commend them in regards to innovating the other type of dread dying brings now. If you come back, are you really the same person? Now that’s not being explored deeply in this book, but Jubilee’s moment here in this issue does inspire some of those thoughts to push to the forefront. Not only is Jubilation showcased here, she’s presented as a real threat. A bomb about to go off. 

NP: As someone who distinctly remembers her being mocked for her powers, it’s nice to see her under a writer who understands what fireworks actually are. And you’re right–just because they have to worry less about death these days, that doesn’t mean they don’t have things to fear. Sure, mutants can be reborn, but what about their loved ones? What happens when Brian or Shogo pass away? Is it worth eternal rebirth if you have to say goodbye to everyone who made life important to begin with? It’s a difficult subject, and I’m glad to see one of the DoX books stepping up to it.

CD: I think we will get more expansion on these points, but Jubilee’s massive show of force here also kind of raises another question. Has everyone aside from Gambit gotten a massive power upgrade since we started? Again, it really seems to be that •┤Ȧ├• is stacking the deck here and everyone is going to be expected to fall into place. I would say I’m glad for Saturnyne’s presence, but it seems like she’s about to make things very difficult for our heroes as well. Oh and let’s not forget about Brian, Meggan and Wisdom that we’re all also featured in this issue. Tini packs so much in with the amount of pages she’s given, but it never seems to be stuffed too full. Everyone can have a little part of the plot, as a treat. 

NP: I don’t think everyone’s gotten an upgrade–for all that Jubes is showing off her power here, I’ve always read her as being capable of that in the past, if not necessarily employing it—that’s what I meant about her power being fireworks, which are really just…very loud explosives we shoot into the sky. You get one of those in the face and you don’t really have a face anymore. You’re right about the deck being stacked, but I suspect that Saturnyne will not be too much of a problem for long; she’s generally been…mostly on the side of angels in the past, unlike her Earth-794 counterpart, Satyr-9. Unless this is Satyr-9…

Captain? Captain.

CD: That would be something…wouldn’t it. I am very excited to see the team stand on their own. I can only imagine that we’re headed toward a moment where Betsy realizes her power in all of this and decides to seize it. Also excited to see who comes out on top between •┤Ȧ├• and Saturnyne. Oh speaking of…what do you think of those Captain Britain redesigns of the team at the end of the issue? I’m not sure if I missed something, but are we being lead to believe there is an alternate Excalibur? 

NP: Oh, that? That is some Captain Britain Corps nonsense, and I mean that in the best possible way. My current running theory, based purely on Saturnyne not only being present, but specifically mentioning the Omniverse, is that she’s pulled (or is pulling) together some alternate reality Captains Britain who just so happen to be the Rictor, Rogue, Gambit, and Jubilee of their respective worlds. Am I correct? Who knows, but there sure are a lot of Captain Britain Corps hallmarks in this issue…and it’s definitely not the first time! 

CD: Never thought I’d see a Captain Britain Rictor in a million years, but here we are. I imagine that will go well if that is actually what’s happening. Only time will tell and I’m ashamed that I’ve not mentioned it until now, but MARCUS TO IS BACK AM I’M SO HAPPY ABOUT IT. I think he’s the person who’s got the best lock on these characters as far as artists go. 

NP: Agreed! It was nice to have a guest artist that was so complimentary to his style, don’t get me wrong, but he’s drawing one of the best looking books of the entire line, in a line that is already filled with great art. His Betsy still feels a little young to me, I gotta say, but I suppose that’s more a function of my aging than anything.

On that somber note…

X-Traneous Thoughts

  • I hope poor Shogo is okay 🙁 
  • Meggan fawning over a distraught Brian…again :/
  • Pete Wisdom and Betsy XD 
  • •┤Ȧ├•’s floating head (  O
  • Krakoan Reads: They’re not even British

Charlie Davis is the world’s premier Shatterstarologist, writer and co-host of The Young Ones.

Nola Pfau is Editor-in-Chief of WWAC and generally a bad influence.

Charlie Davis is the world’s premier Shatterstarologist, writer and co-host of The Match Club.

Nola Pfau is Editor-in-Chief of WWAC and generally a bad influence.