In the wake of Kate’s death, the Marauders double their efforts. Gerry Duggan, Stefano Casellim and Edgar Delgado craft a tight action issue as our pirate X-Men take down the Russian scientist responsible for the power dampening tech seen round the world. Meanwhile, The Five lose hope.
Christina Eddleman: We were so incredibly spoiled when Marauders was double shipping that going without has felt agonizing. It’s like Uncle Gerry somehow knew that issue 10 would need to refresh and sustain us. After two months of no new X-Content, I would’ve been excited to read chicken scratch on a napkin, but this issue serves up a fabulous 10 course meal.
Vishal Gullapalli: Oh my god, we’re back! It’s been so long! I’d almost forgotten about this book, with its absolutely delightful cast, fantastic writing, and wonderful art. Thankfully, our patron saint of piracy, Gerry Duggan, has not forgotten us, returning with a veritable bounty of fresh content that has truly brightened my day, week, and month. [Ed. note: We’re back baby!]
A Dish Best Served Cold

CE: While the Madripoor attack caught the Marauders on their back foot, Kate’s death has ensured they won’t be caught that way again. It’s no surprise that the Russians are involved, but mention of Brazil’s involvement has me remembering those mutant hunting quadrupeds from Marauders #1. I could go for some dinosaurs with my pirates. [Ed. note: Last seen in New Mutants #8]
VG: Ooh, I forgot about those! I think a reread might be in order, I went into this issue without having done any refreshment and I’m kind of wishing I made better choices now.
I really enjoy the relationship the Quiet Council has with Emma’s band, though – there’s a separation that leads to Kurt’s discomfort, but there’s also a distinct level of trust that you can see with Magneto’s immediate support. I do hope we get more Quiet Council politics, Duggan writes them really well.
CE: Emma’s initiative to act without consulting the Quiet Council definitely speaks to both the urgency of the situation as well as a mistrust of its members. After all, Bishop and Emma have likely deduced the vines Bishop found on Kate were Krakoan. I’m so glad they didn’t hesitate because their assault on the floating factory is fantastic.
VG: It really is! Every time we get to see the Marauders in action, it’s a real delight. Bobby’s use of his powers gets more and more impressive almost every issue, and Emma’s control of the… monkeys was perfect. I do wish my perfect son Pyro got to do more, but not every issue can showcase his talents. Oh wait, and also – EMMA HAS A UFO?
CE: It’s so fantastic that the “ship” we saw in Marauders #5 is capable of not only being a submarine, but also a UFO that Christian can pilot with a piano. Fabulous and mysterious. The white and red of The Hellfire Trading Company really pull out all the stops in this issue.
Mutant Mercy

VG: The resolution of the battle was just as interesting as the battle itself – honestly, a bit moreso. Emma’s great at being really scary but also really likable, and I just love how she deals with these soldiers at the end of the battle. The UFO has already entrenched itself into my heart.
CE: Uncle Gerry has given us the mutant metaphor spelled out, and we can all celebrate Emma saying “trans rights” on page. Reprogramming bigots to feel physically ill at the thought of cruelty of minorities made me cheer. “Kill no human” is becoming one of my favorite parts of Krakoan law.
VG: It’s really great how everyone’s taking this law and using it to make their stories more interesting and their resolutions more complex – I think it’s something that’s been done really well in DoX overall, but it still is really great to see new examples in each issue. We also got to see some more of what Krakoan mercy looks like, with another view of what’s basically their witness protection/retirement home. Masque golfing is something that might never get old.
CE: Life’s a party in Rio Verde, and it was heartwarming to see Daniels deposited there with the Morlocks. While the ethics of changing someone’s memory are definitely debatable, it does follow the letter of Krakoan law and feels like a humane way of dealing with the situation.
VG: Daniels definitely deserved the more humane solution, even if you could argue the soldiers they were fighting didn’t. There’s a sense of ingenuity in all of this that I really can’t seem to get over, it makes every issue feel exciting and new.
The Fate of Kate

CE: The Five cannot resurrect Kate. This exception to the resurrection protocol was bound to pop up sooner rather than later, and it’s such an intriguing part of Kate’s story.
VG: I’m reaching a point where I genuinely have no clue why Kate is this single exception to mutant utopia, and I’m so invested in this mystery. We’ve gotten nothing even close to an explanation or even a clue – she just doesn’t go through Krakoan gates and can’t be resurrected. We all thought that it might be that she’s not a mutant, but we know based on Rasputin that she is. [Ed. note: That we learned back in Powers Of X #3] I’m genuinely stumped.
CE: I am thrilled that her message to Kurt mentions that she had difficulty phasing through the majority of Krakoa. It is another checkmark under my suspicions that Kate’s phasing is incompatible with the techno-organic elements of Krakoa. Either that or Uncle Gerry just loves a good red herring. The data page emails were not just informative, they were heart wrenching as well. We haven’t gotten much Kurt content in Marauders, and I’m glad his relationship with Kate is being acknowledged.
VG: Weirdly, we haven’t seemed to have gotten too much Kurt content at all. There’s definitely a few issues here and there where he’s important, but it’s a bit odd to me that one of the most popular mutants just isn’t consistently in any book. That aside, though, it really was sweet to see Kate and Kurt’s past acknowledged, with some really direct references to some of my favorite stories. Gerry’s using the data pages to great effect.
CE: Not to mention the promise that Kurt may have an answer to Kate’s resurrection! I can’t wait to see Kate back on the page with Lockheed at her side. Why hasn’t he made it back yet, I wonder? There’s so many mysteries to unravel and waiting until August for more just means more time to pick apart the first ten.
VG: I’m so, so happy that Marauders is back. I’ve had a giant hole in my heart for months now, and finally it is being filled with mutant antics and piracy and apparently a UFO now. The wait until August will be a long one, but I know for a fact that it’ll be worth it.
CE: Marauders has consistently been top-notch and this is no exception. Caselli and Delgado have been doing great work and gave us some of my favorite pages so far this issue. I cannot wait for August.
X-Traneous Thoughts

- Krakoan reads: HESPED (which is a term for a Jewish eulogy)
- This book is answering all the dumb questions I had about various mutants – Tempo absolutely can use her powers to age some good whiskey.
- I am monkey. – Christi
- Bishop’s new look is amazing. LOVE IT!
- In unrelated book news, looks like Children Of The Atom, whenever it comes out, is a red issue!
Christina Eddleman is the world’s first Captain Kate Pryde cosplayer and co-host of Chrises On Infinite Earths.
Vishal Gullapalli is highly opinionated and reads way too much. You will often find him midway through many a foolish reading project, like all of DC’s New 52.