Murder Most Foul, In Outer Space! It’s Captain Marvel #20!

Captain Marvel and her new crew of Carol Corps Accusers investigate the devious dealings of Wastrel in this story by Kelly Thompson, Cory Smith, Adriano di Benedetto, Tamra Bonvillain, and VC’s Clayton Cowles. 

Cat Purcell: I’m still keeping my fingers crossed for Lauri-Ell and ready to follow the lead with Wastrel. After the team up with Doctor Strange, Hazmat, Spider-Woman, and War Machine to split the hammer into duplicates for each of them, I’m also eager to find out more about what makes it tick. 

Christina Eddleman: We’ve been so spoiled for Captain Marvel content; I mean, back-to-back weeks of everyone’s new fav, Lauri-ell? What more could we ask for? Is it hammers? Because we got ‘em. 

Hammer Time

CP: As someone who always wielded a hammer in both World of Warcraft and Skyrim, I’m definitely a fan of this cover and the whole idea of all these bad-asses I know and love swinging them around. But the fact that even Lauri-Ell is suspicious of it despite its role in possibly proving her innocence sends chills down my spine. 

CE: I don’t think I fully grasped last issue that Carol had Dr. Strange split the hammer into four rather than just magically duplicating it. I cannot tell if that means they all have only a portion of its power. It seems like a pretty logical step though if you take into account that Carol doesn’t seem to trust the hammer. Even Lauri-ell says it “sings” to her. It’s all very “one ring” as we seem to be repeatedly reminded. We’re definitely right not to trust it but this wait is killing me.

CP: Hulking’s (Not Hulking?) response to it being separated also interested me and seeing the four heroes use it in slightly different ways in the battle with the Sentinel was fun! War Machine is your typical tank flinging it around, Spider-Woman is over there doing flips around it, and Hazmat is combining it with her own powers. Christi, what did you think of the final use of the hammer with all four of them together?

CE: I like to imagine them practicing their delivery on the ship on the way over to distract Jess from her dislike of space. The Carol Corp are so synchronized and operate like a well-oiled machine. Is this the result of the hammer or does Thompson just know how much we love The Power Rangers?

CP: Ha! Or total “With our powers combined” vibes from Captain Planet! Either way I’m torn between thinking, ok it can’t be all bad if all 4 of them got the same vision? Or is it that the hammer’s possibly false and insidious visions have spread to the minds of all 4 of them? Knowing Thompson, I have no hope of guessing, because she’ll surprise me and it’ll probably be neither of those options. 

Sweet Lauri-ell

CE: We said it last time, and I’ll say it again: Lauri-ell is very good, and it’s not just those arms either. I love the light, fun moments we get with her. While I’m not a fan of The Bachelor, I’m assured that her take is spot on. She’s just a sweet, gentle soul with very very nice arms. Okay, I’m maybe stuck on the arms. 

CP: Who wouldn’t be? As someone who’s been trying to bulk up all pandemic I’m very much adding Lauri-Ell to my #swolgoals list! Jersey Shore is more my type of trash TV, but I immediately knew what she was watching and her reactions to it were charming. As charming as her desire to get to know her sister Carol and her friends. Her acknowledgement of how hot or cool they looked going off into battle was endearing!

CE:I keep thinking I’ll get tired of the “fish out of water” bit, but I haven’t yet. There’s an endearing quality that I don’t think I’ll ever quite get tired of. Her desire to help just oozes such pure and honest goodness. I was almost glad that Marina showed up to give her an emergency to help with.

CP: I can imagine just how restless she felt, but what a cliffhanger to end on! With the Cotati grabbing Kit like that and at some sort of botanical garden in Brooklyn no less? I imagine it’ll be difficult for Carol Corp to get there or for Lauri-Ell to handle it without much damage. 

CE:  We’ve got one last Empyre tie-in to wrap things up (somehow I thought this was the last one?) so I can only imagine the hijinx we’ll see. I’m just hoping we get to keep our favorite buff blue-gal around. 

Walt on the Run

CP: I was slightly concerned with Hulking’s chill reaction to finding out Walt had escaped their prison, in TWO days, no less. But to see Walter manipulate that Sentinel was a good reminder of how much ease he has around technology, or a good insight into his skills if readers hadn’t gotten their hands on the short Marvel Team-Up run, which I highly recommend. He didn’t seem at all surprised to run into Captain Marvel again. 

CE: It makes you wonder why he said hi to Carol in the first place? Awfully suspicious to be caught snooping around a crime scene, but another thing altogether to waltz up to the detective on the case. If this case is truly that open and shut. I’ll be a bit disappointed. Did you feel like it was a bit too easy of a case or is this just the nature of a 4 issue story arc?

CP: It definitely felt too easy to me as well. I hope there’s a twist in the next one because I would also be surprised if it was this simple. Gosh, I didn’t realize we were this close to the end of an Arc! I could see this line going on for several more issues as captivated as it’s kept me. There’s got to be some layer going on below the surface that the hammer hasn’t shown us. Walter isn’t the most trustworthy guy in the universe, but it doesn’t seem like him to level a city like that and then just accept the cuffs at the end.

CE: It definitely doesn’t all add up. I’ll keep waiting for the twist. I’m very glad that they’ve been able to clear Lauri-ell’s name, but it’s been almost too easy. 

CP: I like even this issue’s acknowledgment that Lauri-Ell might continue on fighting by Carol’s side. I think she’s more than won us all over at this point, which makes me all the more anxious for the non hammer influenced truth to be revealed.

CE: I’ve been struggling a lot with the time-line of this tie-in being pretty at odds with the main Empyre title. I know I need to likely just accept the reality of making a tie-in work but I still don’t like it. I have loved the art we’ve gotten from Smith, Benedetto, and Bonvillain. We have some fantastic moments throughout the issue from the junk food quickly depleting in front of Lauri-ell to some very energetic fight scenes. The story works really well for me all on its own, and I think that’s how I’ll have to keep thinking of it.

CP: I’m with you on the timeline issues and I think that’s a major reason why I usually avoid events. I want this arc to go on so much longer, but at the same time, I want to know ALL THE THINGS already! This is why I don’t read mysteries. The reveal of the next issue cover has me concerned. Smith, di Benetto, and Bonvillain continue to capture personalities of various character’s expressions so well you feel they’re right there with you in the room.

Marvelous Musings

  • Not really a fan of the “oorah,” but I can deal – Christi
  • I enjoy Thompson’s Jess more than I enjoy Pacheco’s (sorry not sorry) – Christi
  • Photos on fridges are such a cool insight to what people hold dear it made me take another glance at my own – Cat
  • “Why are nine of them named Ashley?”
  • Hazmat is quickly becoming like Honey Badger to me and she just grows on me more each issue. 

Cat Purcell is a career services librarian, cosplayer, artist and massive coffee consumer. Follow her

Christi Eddleman is the world’s first Captain Kate Pryde cosplayer and co-host of Chrises On Infinite Earths.