Each week, Xavier Files staff offer their recommendations for what to read. New DC comics come out Tuesdays, everything else Wednesdays.
This Week, in ‘X of Swords‘

Marauders #13: Storm visits her former in-laws in Wakanda to request their aid against the forces of Arakko as the X-Men event continues. Vita Ayala (Children of the Atom) guest-writes and Matteo Lolli draws. ($4.99) BUT FIRST, X of Swords continues in Wolverine #6 and X-Force #13, both by Benjamin Percy and Viktor “X-Men need recap pages even though they already have them” Bogdanovic, and both $3.99. Look for coverage this week by Tony Thornley, Pierce Lightning, Ari Bard, Kenneth Laster, Christi Eddleman and Jude Jones, and check out last week’s X of Swords coverage.
Matt’s Pick

Batman #100: “Joker War” draws to a close as DC seizes on another opportunity to pump up the page count and price of a big-numbered issue. Written by James Tynion IV and drawn by Jorge Jimenez and Guillem March. ($6.99) Look for coverage later this week from Matthew Lazorwitz and Will Nevin, and check out last week’s coverage of Three Jokers #2.
Vishal’s Pick

American Vampire 1976 #1: Scott Snyder and Rafael Albuquerque return to the world of American Vampire for one last nine-issue ride centered on America’s bicentennial. Here’s hoping it’s every bit as trippy and weird as Captain America’s Bicentennial Battles. ($3.99) Listen to Snyder on a recent episode of WMQ&A.
Chris’ Pick

Legend of the Swamp Thing Halloween Spectacular: Celebrate the spooky season with six tales of the Guardian of the Green by Ram V, Mike Perkins, Julian Lytle, John Timms, Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Domo Stanton, James Tynion IV, Christian Ward, Vita Ayala and Emma Rios. ($5.99) Check out the latest from Chris.
Will’s Pick

The Walking Dead Deluxe Edition #1: It’s the same comics you’ve hoarded away somewhere, but in LIVING (DEAD) COLOR. Rebuy Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore’s Image classic, now colored by Dave McCaig and with bonus material. ($3.99) Check out the latest from Will.
Dan’s Pick

Penultiman #1: He’s the next-to-last stage in human evolution, a paragon of near perfection. So why does he hate himself so much? Who knew you could use superhero comics to examine the fallibility and insecurity of humanity? Writer Tom Peyer (Dragonfly & Dragonflyman) and artist Alan Robinson (Planet of the Nerds) do it for AHOY Comics. ($3.99) Check out Will Nevin’s most recent chat with Peyer.
Justin’s Pick

Rise of Ultraman #2: The histories of two worlds, the experiences of two lives and the destinies of two heroes must reconcile as Ultra and Man struggle to become one – and if they don’t, neither will survive. Kyle Higgins, Mat Groom and Francesco Manna continue the adventures of Marvel’s latest license acquisition. ($3.99) Check out our coverage of issue #1, and look for coverage of issue #2 this week from Ian Gregory and Ritesh Babu.
Cori’s Pick

The Dreaming: Waking Hours #3: Ruin and the fallen cherub Jophiel have teamed up with the sorceress Heather After to try to pull Lindy out of the Dreaming, and home to her newborn daughter…but they’d better work fast. Lindy’s mind is rapidly disintegrating as she reckons with thousands of possibilities for who Shakespeare really was, each one alive and walking around in front of her. Written by G. Willow Wilson and drawn by Nick Robles. ($3.99) Check out the latest from Cori.
Justin’s 2nd Pick

Bang! #4: Paige Turnier: defenseless old lady or mastermind detective? As Paige navigates these dual roles, superspy Thomas Cord realizes he has memories of this woman from before he was born . . . and these memories may be the key to protecting reality from those who would see it unraveled. Written by Matt Kindt (BRZRKR) and drawn by Wilfredo Torres for Dark Horse. ($3.99) Check out the latest from Justin.
Zack’s Pick

No One’s Rose #5: The Green Zone is in decline. As Tenn reels from the destructive choices of her brother, she’s faced with a new and dangerous path forward. For the first time in a long time, the future is crumbling. But as one story ends, another begins. Zac Thompson, Emily Horn and Alberto Alburquerque wrap up their Vault Comics series. ($3.99) Look for Zack Jenkins’ review this week, and check out the latest from Zack.
Dan Grote is the editor and publisher of ComicsXF, having won the site by ritual combat. By day, he’s a newspaper editor, and by night, he’s … also an editor. He co-hosts The ComicsXF Interview Podcast with Matt Lazorwitz. He lives in New Jersey with his wife, two kids and two miniature dachshunds, and his third, fictional son, Peter Paul Winston Wisdom. Follow him @danielpgrote.bsky.social.