Each week, ComicsXF staff offer their recommendations for what to read. New DC comics come out Tuesdays, everything else Wednesdays.

CHRIS’ PICK: Future State: Batman/Superman #1: The Magistrate’s ruined a lot of things for Bruce Wayne, but one of the cherries on top is how it messed up his partnership with Superman. Find out how in this story by writer Gene Luen Yang (Superman Smashes the Klan) and artist Ben Oliver. ($3.99) Check out the latest from Chris.

DAN’S PICK: Future State: Superman vs. Imperious Lex #1: Lex Luthor has created a utopia and is ready to join the United Planets, but first, Lois Lane has to figure out what he’s up to. Written by Mark Russell and drawn by his Flintstones and Billionaire Island partner, Steve Pugh. ($3.99) Check out the latest from Dan.

VISHAL’S PICK: Future State: Aquaman #1: Jackson Hyde is Aquaman and Andy Curry, Arthur and Mera’s teen daughter, is his sidekick, in a Big Seven legacy book by writer Brandon Thomas and artist Daniel Sampere. ($3.99) Check out the latest from Vishal.

JUSTIN’S PICK: Future State: Dark Detective #2: Bruce Wayne continues working from the shadows to take down the Magistrate, while Jason Todd, hunting masks for Gotham’s fascist overseers, confronts a new Red Hood Gang in a comic by Mariko Tamaki, Dan Mora, Joshua Williamson and Giannis Milonogiannis. ($5.99) Previously, in Dark Detective …

ROB’S PICK: Riverdale Presents: South Side Serpents #1: ’Member that time Jughead was in a biker gang? Archie Comics remembers. Enjoy this one-shot spun off from the TV show where the Archie characters are all sexy, brooding teens and it’s real weird. Written by David Barnett and drawn by Richard Ortiz. ($3.99) Check out the latest from Rob.

MATT’S PICK: Other History of the DC Universe #2: Follow the rise of the Teen Titans through the eyes of Karen and Mal Duncan, courtesy of writer John Ridley (Next Batman) and artist Giuseppe Camuncoli. ($6.99) Check out the latest from Matt.

ARI’S PICK: Department of Truth #5: The first arc of James Tynion IV and Martin Simmonds’ series about our relationship with conspiracy theories concludes with Cole Turner questioning his role in the war on truth. ($3.99) Previously, in Department of Truth …

KAREN’S PICK: New Mutants #15: Dani and Karma explore what’s in Karma’s nightmares, while we learn a little more about what the Shadow King wants with the children of the Wild Hunt as Vita Ayala and Rod Reis’ new run continues. ($3.99) Previously, in New Mutants …

CORI’S PICK: Excalibur #17: All hail Queen Betsy? Last issue ended with Captain Britain — last seen sneering at Saturnyne through a mosaic in “X of Swords” — waking up to find herself in a reality where she’s a monarch and Warren serves her tea in bed. Sounds nice. ($3.99) Previously, in Excalibur …

TONY’S PICK: Daredevil #26: Another Marvel book gets drowned in the goo of “King in Black.” That said, it’s Daredevil, and it’ll be interesting to see how last issue’s twist plays into things. Written by Chip Zdarsky and drawn by Mike Hawthorne. ($3.99) Previously, in Daredevil …
Dan Grote is the editor and publisher of ComicsXF, having won the site by ritual combat. By day, he’s a newspaper editor, and by night, he’s … also an editor. He co-hosts The ComicsXF Interview Podcast with Matt Lazorwitz. He lives in New Jersey with his wife, two kids and two miniature dachshunds, and his third, fictional son, Peter Paul Winston Wisdom. Follow him @danielpgrote.bsky.social.