The X-Men have a weird relationship with Dracula right? I can’t be the only one who thinks that it’s a bit out of left field that one of the most enduring, repeated plot points in every generation of X-Men comics is that, on top of everything else, Dracula also hates them/is hot for Storm. It’s a unique quirk of Dracula, from Bram Stoker’s 1879 novel, being a public domain character who had a 70 issue staring run at Marvel, making him not just a thing that exists, but an engrained part of the Marvel eco-system. Even before the Krakoan era, Jason Aaron gave him Chernobyl and the homeland for a new vampire nation where Blade (from ice skating uphill) is the UN appointed Sheriff.
It’s all very silly, but don’t expect that to stop Wolverine #12 to play it straight.
Benjamin Percy has been weaving this story through out Wolverine and X-Force during his entire tenure on the books. Now, following up from the last issue with artist Scot Eaton, Wolverine is faced with more blood suckers who absolutely want to get his blood. Unfortunately, his vampire slaying nun companion has been turned herself, along with here entire order. What can Logan do to stop the Vampire Nation from overthrowing Krakoa? Find out when Wolverine #12 comes out next week and make sure to check out our exclusive preview below!

Zachary Jenkins co-hosts the podcast Battle of the Atom and is the former editor-in-chief of ComicsXF. Shocking everyone, he has a full and vibrant life outside all this.