It had to happen. Since their first battle in Immortal Hulk #7 nearly three years ago the Avengers had to take the fight back to the Immortal Hulk. The last time they fought, Hulk’s body was chopped up into tiny pieces and placed in sealed jars. It didn’t stop him. Now, in Immortal Hulk #47, fresh off of decimating the U-Foes and regaining his legendary strength, Hulk is ready for revenge. Can Earth’s mightiest heroes stop the strongest one there is?
Superstar writer Al Ewing and series penciler Joe Bennett continue the push to wrap up their historic run with a brawl against Jason Aaron’s Avengers. Not stuck in the world of Heroes Reborn, these Avengers battle Hulk and Harpy, they hardly survived the first bout and Hulk is stronger than ever. As She-Hulk narrates, there used to be a structure to these things, but the returning chaos has her questioning Hulk’s role in her life. For his part, Blade just thinks Hulk is a vampire, and to be fair, Blade meets a lot of vampires. He’s the sheriff of the vampire nation now.
Marvel has given us an exclusive preview of the fight, make sure you check it out and swing back next week as we discuss the issue. It’s been a long road but there are only four issues left until the finale. There are a lot of unanswered questions between the Green Door, The One Below All and The Leader, but Al Ewing has earned our trust that he will wrap it up neatly. Whatever happens though? We know it will lead to the most iconic Hulk run in history.

Zachary Jenkins co-hosts the podcast Battle of the Atom and is the former editor-in-chief of ComicsXF. Shocking everyone, he has a full and vibrant life outside all this.