Our buddy Beta Ray Bill has had a rough little bit. His friend broke his favorite hammer and his girlfriend called him ugly. It’s enough to drive a man, or horse alien mutated to become the perfect weapon, to drink. Which Bill has done. Along with wrestling moves; many many wrestling moves. But he’s found a band of bros in Skurge the Executioner and Pip the Troll, along side his spaceship come to life as a sexy robot lady, and he’s on a mission to get a cool new weapon to bash some skulls with.
In Beta Ray Bill cartoonist Daniel Warren Johnson has been exuding energy and style on every page. It’s grimy and action-packed, all carrying the banner of “dudes rock”. In our exclusive preview of Beta Ray Bill #4, the whole gang gets attacked by a sea squid, but not before Bill has a breakdown about the fact that he’s an “ugly” horse man. We’ll I’ve been on Twitter and let me just say, there’s plenty of people hornt for Bill. Make sure you check out this issue when it hits the stands next week.

Zachary Jenkins co-hosts the podcast Battle of the Atom and is the former editor-in-chief of ComicsXF. Shocking everyone, he has a full and vibrant life outside all this.