Each week, ComicsXF staff offer their recommendations for what to read. New DC comics come out Tuesdays, everything else Wednesdays.

Dan’s Pick: X-Men: The Onslaught Revelation #1: Si Spurrier and Bob Quinn wrap up their Way of X story with a one-shot confrontation with that most ’90s of convoluted X-villains, Onslaught. ($4.99) Previously, in Way of X …

Armaan’s Pick: Batman Secret Files: Miracle Molly #1: The history of Gotham’s latest breakout star is revealed. Discover what led a regular Gothamite to reject their past, name and humanity to embrace the promise of a blank slate — the promise of the Unsanity Collective — in a story by writer James Tynion IV and artist Dani (Coffin Bound). ($4.99) Previously, in Batman stuff …

Vishal’s Pick: Aquaman: The Becoming #1: Jackson Hyde finally has it all. Well, he had it all, until half of the Atlantean palace got blown to kingdom come with Jackson in it. Now, he stands accused of wrecking the life he worked so hard to build and has to prove his innocence in a six-issue series by writer Brandon Thomas and artist Diego Olortegui. ($3.99) Check out the latest from Vishal.

Justin’s Pick: King Spawn #2: Billy Kincaid returns. Is that a Spawn villain? Sounds like a neighborhood kid everyone yells at. “Billy Kincaid, you come back here with my Razor scooter this instant!” Co-written by Todd McFarlane and Sean Lewis and drawn by Javier Fernandez for Image. ($2.99) Previously, in King Spawn …

Andrea’s Pick: X-Men #3: The High Evolutionary — Hey, remember when we saw him on Gameworld in issue #1? — decides to take a crack at the heroes of Krakoa. This is probably a good time to remind everyone he once led a crossover that tied into ALF. Written by Gerry Duggan and drawn by Pepe Larraz. ($3.99) Previously, in X-Men …

Tony’s Pick: Moon Knight #3: It is no small thing to betray a god and take on his role. And when the Fist of Khonshu offers shelter to vampires, the ancient enemies of the Moon God? The Moon Knight requires correction. Written by Jed MacKay and drawn by Alessandro Cappuccio. ($3.99) Check out the latest from Tony.

Karen’s Pick: Gamma Flight #4: Skaar, son of Hulk, and Dionne, daughter of [REDACTED]. Get the origin story of Marvel’s newest, deadliest gamma mutate. Plus, our team of Hulk hunters is breaking apart, and their enemy knows it. Co-written by Crystal Frasier and Al Ewing and drawn by Lan Medina. ($3.99) Previously, in Hulk stuff …

Mark’s Pick: Guardians of the Galaxy #18: “The Last Annihilation” concludes, and so does this book. Wait, what? No more Al Ewing disaster bis in space? NOOOOOOOOOO! Drawn by Juan Frigeri. ($3.99) Previously, in Guardians of the Galaxy …

Matt’s Pick: Nightwing #84: Oracle’s system has been hacked. But who is powerful enough to break into Babs’ super-secure network? And what personal information is now at risk? Dick heads to Gotham to find the source of Anti-Oracle’s transmissions in this “Fear State” tie-in written by Tom Taylor and drawn by Robbi “once tweeted his butthole at Ethan Van Sciver” Rodriguez. ($3.99) Previously, in Nightwing …

Austin’s Pick: Incredible Hulk Epic Collection: Crisis on Counter-Earth: The Hulk visits Counter-Earth and hangs out with (fights?) Adam Warlock in this collection that cuts off just before the first appearance of Wolverine. Featuring stories by Steve Englehart, Roy Thomas, Gerry Conway, Herb Trimpe and more. ($44.99) Check out the latest from Austin.

Cori’s Pick: Superman & Lois Lane: The 25th Wedding Anniversary Edition: Just because Superman can crush coal into diamonds doesn’t mean you don’t still owe them some silver. This anniversary edition collects Superman: The Wedding Album, along with other relationship highlights and new extras. ($34.99) Previously, in Superman stuff …

Zack’s Pick: I Breathed a Body TP: Zac Thompson and Andy MacDonald’s unsettling AfterShock series about the marriage of mushrooms, technology and the fae realm is collected just in time to squick you out for Halloween. ($16.99) Check out our coverage of the series.
Dan Grote is the editor and publisher of ComicsXF, having won the site by ritual combat. By day, he’s a newspaper editor, and by night, he’s … also an editor. He co-hosts The ComicsXF Interview Podcast with Matt Lazorwitz. He lives in New Jersey with his wife, two kids and two miniature dachshunds, and his third, fictional son, Peter Paul Winston Wisdom. Follow him @danielpgrote.bsky.social.