Every week, the call goes out to the ComicsXF Slack, a call for our writers, editors, site designers and managers to submit their favorite, individual panels of the week. Every week, someone cheats or tries to bend the rules. This week is no exception, but we celebrate the rule breakers and benders with this week’s selections — and Inferno comes out a clear favorite.
Spoiler Alert for a Problematic Fave
Cori McCreery and Liz Large teamed up this week so as to not have to choose between two panels from Webtoon’s Batman: Wayne Family Adventures #6 (it’s not often we can link to a whole comic here. Bless Webtoon for making this content free). It makes sense that there’s superhero merch within the DC universe itself, but sipping from a Green Arrow product at Batman’s table? That’s cold, Stephanie. That’s cold.
Cori and Liz also teamed up to bring you this week’s Titans recap, here!
SuperChat Stans Sampere

X-Men Schmex-Men, Daniel Sampere and Adriano Lucas’ Superman is all that SuperChat writers Tony Thornley and Armaan Babu care about every week it’s out. This week, from Action Comics #1,035, Tony chooses a moment of pure romance as Superman says goodbye to his wife in the skies above Metropolis, while Armaan picks out a panel that shows Superman doesn’t need to throw a punch to end a fight in a single moment of authority, power and restraint.

Catch the latest SuperChat right here.
Who Wore It Best: Cerebro Edition

The long awaited Inferno has arrived, stealing the show this week, and it’s fire. First up from our Inferno #1 picks is a panel chosen by Ritesh Babu, who has this to say:
“I liked the cheeky sense of fun being had by Emma herself here, and also on the textual level beyond that, this being an overt riff of presentation on HOXPOX, with that cheeky grin representing the creative team’s sense of delight at getting to do this as well.
“They’re iterating upon what they have so successfully built, and they’re having fun with it, with a bit of pride. Always nice to see, especially when the team deserves to take pride in what’s been accomplished.”
This isn’t the only striking start that Ritesh is excited about — read his thoughts on Aquaman: The Becoming.
The DougLocKoa Morning Show!

Another smiley moment from Inferno, as Austin Gorton picks out a moment from Doug’s morning routine. “A gorgeously drawn slice-of-life moment that sets the stage for the drama to come via its ‘calm before the storm’ vibe,’” writes Austin.
We enjoyed this moment — and many others — in Chris Eddleman and Nola Pfau’s review of the issue, here.
A Sinister Smile

Another smiling, happy face plucked from Inferno. Maybe this comic isn’t as destructive as its title, marketing and buildup would imply. Could this just be a comic about mutants on Krakoa having a good day? Sinister’s certainly having one, as evidenced by Zachary Jenkins’ panel of the week.
You know what doesn’t make Zachary Jenkins happy, though? Spider-Man. Find out why.
The Unyielding Face of Destiny

And here it is. The moment of truth. One that will either change Krakoa forever or burn it to the ground. Despite all their efforts, Magneto and Professor X failed to stop the resurrection of Destiny, and they can see their failure literally reflected in her reappearance. You can’t really tell whether Destiny’s smiling underneath that mask, but it’s a pretty safe bet that she is.
This panel choice was brought to you by Ian Gregory, whose latest is a review of Marauders with Stephanie Burt!
A Fool and His Life Are Soon Parted

We end with Mark Turetsky’s pick from the final issue of DIE. Everyone who’s read the rules knows that the Fool has to make the most ill-considered, reckless choice possible, and Chuck rarely fails to disappoint.
Read Mark and Corey Smith’s farewell to the series here, for a lesson in how there are some games you just can’t cheat your way out of — no matter how Foolish you may be.
Armaan is obsessed with the way stories are told. From video games to theater, TTRPGs to comics, he has written for, and about, them all. He will not stop, actually; believe us, we've tried.