There are many ways to describe Batman. Superhero. Martial Artist. Scientist. Adventurer. But for your hosts, Matt & Will, one beats all the rest: Detective. This week, we look at three stories that have a theme of Batman as the Dark Knight Detective.
- Blades (Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #32-34)
- The Doomsday Book (Detective Comics V.1 #572)
- Beautiful People (Detective Comics V.1 #821)
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Be sure to check out this week’s BatChat column, where we look at Batman #114 and Arkham City: The Order of the World #1.
You can follow the podcast on Twitter @BatChatComics, Matt @mattlaz1013 and Will @willnevin.
Thanks to Geri Nonnewitz for the show’s logo.
Matt Lazorwitz read his first comic at the age of 5. It was Who's Who in the DC Universe #2, featuring characters whose names begin with B, which explains so much about his Batman obsession. He writes about comics he loves, and co-hosts the podcasts BatChat with Matt & Will and The ComicsXF Interview Podcast.