BatChat With Matt & Will Episode 17: I Know Your Secret! (w/ Armaan Babu)

JLA #1

If there’s one thing you need to know about Batman, it’s that Batman works alone.

Except for Robin

And Alfred

And Jim Gordon

And the rest of the Bat family

And the Justice League

OK, it’s pretty obvious that Batman is not the lone avenger of the night after all. And since, this week, Matt and Will are talking about stories where Batman is a part of the Justice League, they figured it was time to add in a guest for this titanic team-up. Enter Armaan Babu, writer over at the pod’s internet home of ComicsXF. Enjoy three stories of Batman’s adventures with the JLA

  • New World Order (JLA #1-4)
  • Tower of Babel (JLA #43-46)
  • Bouncing Baby Boy (JLA #65)

Be sure to check out this week’s BatChat column, where we look at Batman #119, Detective Comics #1,047, and Arkham City: The Order of the World #4.

Thanks to Geri Nonnewitz for our podcast logo

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Matt Lazorwitz read his first comic at the age of 5. It was Who's Who in the DC Universe #2, featuring characters whose names begin with B, which explains so much about his Batman obsession. He writes about comics he loves, and co-hosts the podcasts BatChat with Matt & Will and The ComicsXF Interview Podcast.

Will Nevin loves bourbon and AP style and gets paid to teach one of those things. He is on Twitter far too often.