Batman: The Animated Series turned 30 years old last week, and with it, the show’s most popular addition to the Batman canon, Harley Quinn. Harley went from Joker’s henchgirl to starring in her own comics, animated series and movies, making her easily one of the two most popular characters in all of comics over the past 35 years. So this week, we’re looking at three stories that track Harley’s evolution in the comics, from her first print appearance, to her introduction to the DCU proper, to her finally settling her score with the Joker.
- Batgirl: Day One (Batman Adventures V.1 #12)
- Batman: Harley Quinn
- Twenty-Five Big One$ (Harley Quinn V.2 #25)
Be sure to check out this week’s BatChat column, where we look at Detective Comics #1,063, Batman: One Bad Day: Riddler and Batman’s Mystery Casebook OGN.
Thanks to Geri Nonnewitz for our podcast logo
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