The problem with having a group of superheroes forming a coalition government with many of their enemies is that eventually, they have superhero plots to do while their enemies have scheming to under go. What does that mean? It means that 33% of your legislative body can be infected by a potential virus that makes their decision making process questionable at best, the parliamentary member who did the infecting gets put into a hole, two more members have a crisis of faith and start giving their votes to a Russian sleeper agent. So with only 7 actual votes, 3 of them controlled by an active enemy of the state, maybe your coalition government is going to fall apart? Or at least an ancient witch who has befuddlingly become a TikTok meme queen could join and make everything bad for everyone.
Anyway Kieron Gillen and Lucan Werneck are really making this Fall of X wild because in Immortal X-Men #12, Selene steals a seat at the Quiet Council.
ROFL:ROFL:ROFL:ROFL _^___ L __/ [] \ LOL===__ \ L \________] I I --------/
Here’s the preview. Grab the issue next week. Comics are wild.

Clark Urich has been called "The Lester Bangs of Comics" in that he too has overdosed on NyQuil