Chris’ pick: Ultimate Invasion #1: Remember the Ultimate Universe? All those classic stories like the time Sinister pushed Xavier down a flight of stairs or the time Blob ate the Wasp or the time Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch did an incest? Man, I miss those days. But what if I told you the Ultimate Universe never went away? Never fear, Jonathan Hickman and Bryan Hitch are here to save the seemingly unsaveable. ($8.99) The thing about the Ultimate Universe is …
Tony’s pick: Hulk #1: Doc Bruce Banner / Belted by gamma rays / Turned into the Hulk / Ain’t he unglamo-rays! / Wreckin’ the town / With the power of a bull / Ain’t no monster clown / Who is as lovable / As ever-lovin’ Hulk! HULK! HULK! Anyway, there’s a new Hulk series. Written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson (Action Comics) and drawn by Nic Klein (Thor). ($4.99) Previously, in Hulk stuff …
Matt’s pick: Black’s Myth: The Key to His Heart #1: Werewolf private eye Janie “Strummer” Mercado is back with a new case, as she tries to prevent a young girl from becoming a monster, with the aid of her suave djinn assistant Ben Si’lat. But will Strummer gain an intern instead? And why is an old enemy sending mysterious packages to her house? Written by Eric Palicki and drawn by Wendell Cavalcanti. ($3.99)
Austin’s pick: Avengers #2: The Avengers find themselves with a rare gift — foreknowledge of the dangers coming their way in the form of the deadly Tribulation events. But can this information be trusted? I mean, it came from Kang, so … no but maybe, kinda? Written by Jed MacKay and drawn by C.F. Villa. ($3.99) Previously, in Avengers …
Dan’s pick: Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #5: Morgan Le Fay has saddled up with her old lover, Doctor Doom. And that can’t mean good things for the old country. But Betsy Braddock has a plan up her sleeve, and a multiverse of allies even Morgan can’t magic-wand away. And Pete Wisdom is also there! Written by Tini Howard and drawn by Vasco Georgiev. ($3.99) Check out a preview.

Zack’s pick: Kaya #9: Kaya’s magic arm is gone, and she is separated from her allies in the vast Poison Lands. Jin, nearly drowned, enters a strange, delirious nightmare he may not be able to return from. By Wes Craig for Image. ($3.99)
Adam’s pick: X-Force #41: Old Man Quentin Quire returns, but where has he been? And where is he taking the team? Mysteries will be revealed as Beast’s dark agenda is fully exposed. Written by Benjamin Percy and drawn by Paul Davidson. ($3.99) Previously, in X-Chat …
Bonus pick: Wonder Woman #800: Diana’s visions become more vivid as she finds herself trapped in the dreams of those around her. As she struggles to escape, her life as Wonder Woman hangs in the balance. When the dust settles, will she still be the Amazons’ greatest champion? Featuring stories by Becky Cloonan, Michael W. Conrad, Tom King, Joelle Jones, Todd Nauck, Daniel Sampere and others. ($5.99) Previously, in Wonder Woman …
Sean’s pick: DIE RPG Deluxe Edition HC: You’ve read the book, now play the tabletop game based on the Image series by Kieron Gillen and Stephanie Hans. ($95) Check out our test play.
Dan Grote is the editor and publisher of ComicsXF, having won the site by ritual combat. By day, he’s a newspaper editor, and by night, he’s … also an editor. He co-hosts The ComicsXF Interview Podcast with Matt Lazorwitz. He lives in New Jersey with his wife, two kids and two miniature dachshunds, and his third, fictional son, Peter Paul Winston Wisdom. Follow him