The Children of the Vault run wild as the Fall of X continues: Staff Picks

Each week, ComicsXF staff offer their recommendations for what to read. New DC books come out Tuesdays, everything else Wednesdays.

Adam’s pick: Children of the Vault #1: He’s a time-traveler from a far future with a techno-organic arm and eye. He’s a time-traveler from a not-as-far-future but once tried to kill the other guy’s adoptive daughter by genociding all over the place. Can they get along and also take out the existential threat that is the Children of the Vault? And also find time to laugh and, perhaps, love? Find out in this four-issue Fall of X series written by Deniz Camp (20th Century Men) and drawn by Luca Maresca (Monica Rambeau: Photon). ($4.99) Listen to Camp on a 2022 episode of WMQ&A: The ComicsXF Interview Podcast.

Tony’s pick: Ghost Rider/Wolverine: Weapons of Vengeance Alpha #1: He’s the best there is at what he does — though what he does isn’t very nice. He’s the motorcycle-riding, chain-swinging Spirit of Vengeance. The first one. Not any of those other ones, though they’re cool, too. Can they confront a demonic serial killer murdering innocent mutants and also find time to laugh and, perhaps, love? Find out in this four-issue Fall of X-adjacent series written by Benjamin Percy (X-Force) and drawn by Geoff Shaw (Thanos). ($4.99) Previously, in X-Chat …

Dan’s pick: The Enfield Gang Massacre #1: Journey into the past of That Texas Blood’s Ambrose County in this original Western thriller, as Montgomery Enfield and his gang of outlaws find themselves in the crosshairs of an aging Texas Ranger and a newborn county that’s hungry for law. By Chris Condon and Jacob Phillips for Image. ($3.99) Listen to Condon on a 2022 episode of WMQ&A.

Mark’s pick: Mech Cadets #1: Just in time for the Netflix series comes a new volume of the BOOM Studios comic by Greg Pak and Takeshi Miyazawa. General Park, head of Sky Corps Academy, must assemble a team of heroes to protect humankind from alien invasions, and Stanford Yu, Maya Sanchez, Frank Olivetti and Park’s daughter Olivia are Earth’s best hope. ($4.99)

Armaan’s pick: Avengers #4: The Avengers race to combat the Ashen Combine, but with Lord Ennui, the Citysmith, Idol Alabaster, the Dead and Meridian Diadem scattered across the planet, each with their own city for prey, have the Avengers spread themselves too thin? Written by Jed MacKay and drawn by C.F. Villa. ($3.99) Check out a preview, and read our coverage of issue #3.

Rasmus’ pick: Immortal X-Men #14: Xavier had a dream. Now he has nothing. This is the Fall of X. He fell. He fell furthest. Insert Nelson Muntz laugh. Written by Kieron Gillen and drawn by Lucas Werneck. Previously, in Immortal X-Men …

Austin’s pick: Star Wars #37: Something has gone horribly wrong with Lobot, putting the rebellion at terrible risk. Lando Calrissian will do anything to save his friend, even if it means betraying the rebels. Will the Scourge of the Droids destroy any chance to cure Lobot, or will he be lost forever? A Dark Droids tie-in written by Charles Soule and drawn by Madibek Musabekov. ($4.99)

Matt’s pick: Wayne Family Adventures Vol. 1: Batman has no shortage of children — adopted, fostered and biological. And with new vigilante Duke Thomas, aka the Signal, joining the family, Wayne Manor just got even more crowded. Collects the first 25 episodes of the DC Webtoon series written by CRC Payne and drawn by Starbite, Maria Li, Lan Ma and Jean Kim. ($14.99) Previously, in BatChat …

Dan Grote is the editor and publisher of ComicsXF, having won the site by ritual combat. By day, he’s a newspaper editor, and by night, he’s … also an editor. He co-hosts The ComicsXF Interview Podcast with Matt Lazorwitz. He lives in New Jersey with his wife, two kids and two miniature dachshunds, and his third, fictional son, Peter Paul Winston Wisdom. Follow him