Tony’s pick: Star Wars: The High Republic #1: A year after the destruction of Starlight Beacon, Marchion Ro and the Nihil stand victorious. The once mighty Jedi are outclassed, and the Republic is on its knees. On the edges of the galactic frontier, Jedi Master Keeve Trennis leads a desperate assault against an invading force. The odds are stacked against her, but a Jedi always clings to hope. Written by Cavan Scott and drawn by Ario Anindito. ($5.99) Previously, in Star Wars stuff …
Dan’s pick: Zawa + the Belly of the Beast #1: Trapped inside a pollution-spewing factory, the guardian spirit Zawa only has industrial waste to eat, leading her to a bitter existence of paranoia and destruction. But when two siblings from a nearby village help her escape, they quickly learn that the way to calming Zawa’s heart is through a well-nourished stomach. By Michael Dialynas for BOOM Studios. ($4.99) Listen to Dialynas on this week’s WMQ&A.

Chris’ pick: G.O.D.S. #2: The Centum normally has 25 Primes, now only three remain. College isn’t worth the time or the money. There’s a hidden book in the hidden library that hides a hidden door. Kubisk Core is from Georgia, like that matters. Written by Jonathan Hickman and drawn by Valerio Schiti. ($4.99) We didn’t love the first issue.
Austin’s pick: Transformers #2: As Optimus Prime and the Autobots regroup, Starscream terrorizes humanity. This issue allegedly features a surprising first Energon Universe appearance. By Daniel Warren Johnson for Image/Skybound. ($3.99) Previously, in Transformers …
Mark’s pick: Star Trek Defiant #9: Disavowed from Starfleet despite their heroic actions, Worf and his crew set out in their new roles as bounty hunters on their first mission since the bloody battle against the tyrant Kahless. Their first target: an individualized ex-member of the Borg Collective known as Hugh. Written by Christopher Cantwell and drawn by Mike Feehan for IDW. ($4.99) Previously, in Star Trek stuff …
Matt’s pick: Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #12: The shocking and brutal conclusion has come: Joker versus Joker in a bloody, no-holds-barred battle for supremacy. Written by Matthew Rosenberg and drawn by Carmine di Giandomenico. ($5.99) Previously, in BatChat…

Adam’s pick: X-Men Red #17: When Genesis returned to Arakko, she brought war in her wake. What will her husband bring with him? Storm holds the ultimate weapon in her grip, but in the face of En Sabah Nur, even that may not be enough. Written by Al Ewing and drawn by Yildiray Cinar. ($3.99) Check out a preview, and our coverage of the previous issue.
Rasmus’ pick: X-Force #46: Mikhail Rasputin has been secretly controlling his brother, Colossus. But plans change. The control ebbs. Revenge is to be had. But at what cost? At last, the brotherly battle brewing the past four years in X-Force boils over. Written by Benjamin Percy and drawn by Robert Gill. ($3.99) Previously, in X-Chat …
Anna’s pick: Echo: The Saga of Maya Lopez: Echo is a deaf young Native American woman with the uncanny ability to assimilate the skills of others by sight: dancing, piano playing, even hand-to-hand combat. Though Maya Lopez and Matt Murdock meet as seemingly kindred souls, their secret identities are very much at odds. For Maya is seeking vengeance against her father’s killer — who the Kingpin claims is Daredevil. Collecting Daredevil (1998) #9-15 and #51-55 by David Mack, Joe Quesada and more. ($34.99) Want a Primer on Echo and other great comics characters? Support our Patreon!
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Dan Grote is the editor and publisher of ComicsXF, having won the site by ritual combat. By day, he’s a newspaper editor, and by night, he’s … also an editor. He co-hosts The ComicsXF Interview Podcast with Matt Lazorwitz. He lives in New Jersey with his wife, two kids and two miniature dachshunds, and his third, fictional son, Peter Paul Winston Wisdom. Follow him