The battle for Arakko, and X-Men Red, end in this week’s Staff Picks

Each week, ComicsXF staff offer their recommendations for what to read. New DC books come out Tuesdays, everything else Wednesdays.

Mark’s pick: X-Men Red #18: Their armies have clashed and torn a world apart. Now, finally, the two war leaders meet. Storm versus Genesis for the fate of the Red Planet — as the planet itself fights alongside them. Will Planet Arakko survive? And more, is the secret dream of En Sabah Nur about to come true? Written by Al Ewing and drawn by Yildiray Cinar. ($3.99) Previously, in X-Men Red …

Chris’ pick: The Addams Family: Charlatan’s Web #1: When Wednesday Addams discovers a mysterious health club has opened up in her hometown, she’s shocked to learn the rest of her clan has already joined its ranks and has quickly assimilated to its program, surrendering their individual personalities in the process. Are the Addamses still lurking behind those empty eyes? And in a backup feature, a burglar breaking into the Addams’ home discovers he might be the one losing everything when he stumbles on Gomez and Morticia. Written by Leah Williams (X-Terminators) and drawn by Juan Samu for IDW. ($5.99) Listen to the last time Williams was on Battle of the Atom.

Tony’s pick: Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees #2: Horrified to learn she’s not the only serial killer in Woodbrook — and insulted, frankly, by the rookie’s flair for the dramatic — Samantha hits the pavement to silence the competition before they ruin her quiet, perfectly curated life. But the insufferable latte-chugging local busybody Cherry Gherkins is poisoning the town with her own theories about the murder, and things are about to get messy. By Patrick Horvath for IDW. ($3.99)

Rasmus’ pick: Immortal Thor #5: Toranos has returned, and to face him, the King of Asgard has gathered his army. But if even an army of storm gods could not stop the Elder God of Thunder, what then? Written by Al Ewing and drawn by Martin Coccolo. ($4.99)

Sean’s pick: Danger Street #12: Will the Outsiders be accepted by society? The Green Team finally get what they deserve? The sky be saved from falling? All of this and more as Lady Cop closes the case on the murders of Danger Street. Written by Tom King and drawn by Jorge Fornes. ($4.99)

Austin’s pick: X-Force Epic Collection: Assault on Graymalkin: With Cable thought dead and Xavier’s pacifist dream behind them, the members of X-Force are carving out their own aggressive destiny, beginning with a trip to Cable’s space station, Graymalkin. But when S.H.I.E.L.D. and War Machine come looking for answers, things get explosive. The young mutants must grow up fast in battles against the Friends of Humanity and their former teacher Magneto, but Cable’s bombshell return sheds light on longstanding mysteries. Plus, Adam-X makes his extreme debut! Collecting X-Force (1991) #20-26 and Annual #2, Cable (1993) #1-4, Deadpool: The Circle Chase #1-4 and Nomad (1992) #20. ($44.99) ‘Member that time the BotA Boyz interviewed Fabian Nicieza?

Matt’s pick: Where the Body Was: A boarding house full of druggies. A neglected housewife. A young girl who thinks she’s a superhero. A cop who wants to be left alone. And a private detective looking for a runaway girl. These stories collide one fateful summer in a tale of love and murder in the suburbs, told from a dozen different points of view. A graphic novel by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips for Image. ($24.99)

Dan’s pick: Dee Snider: He’s Not Gonna Take It: In 1985, the U.S. Senate held a hearing on explicit lyrics in popular music. Among the musicians to testify was Twisted Sister frontman Dee Snider. This graphic novel explores those hearings from Snider’s point of view, in addition to telling some of Snider’s life story. Co-written by Snider and Frank Marraffino and drawn by Steve Kurth for Z2. ($24.99) Previously, in Z2 music comics …

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Dan Grote is the editor and publisher of ComicsXF, having won the site by ritual combat. By day, he’s a newspaper editor, and by night, he’s … also an editor. He co-hosts The ComicsXF Interview Podcast with Matt Lazorwitz. He lives in New Jersey with his wife, two kids and two miniature dachshunds, and his third, fictional son, Peter Paul Winston Wisdom. Follow him