Skybound drops a Duke on us during the holiday limbo week, and more Staff Picks

Each week, ComicsXF staff offer their recommendations for what to read. New DC books come out Tuesdays, everything else Wednesdays.

Dan’s pick: Duke #1: When Conrad S. Hauser investigates the mysteries behind the Transformers, the answers will lead to the birth of forces for good and evil the world never imagined. Duke will be the first of four limited series setting the stage for a fresh new take on G.I. Joe. Written by Joshua Williamson (Dark Ride) and drawn by Tom Reilly (The Thing) for Image/Skybound. ($4.99) Listen to us discuss the new Energon Universe books on the WMQ&A Sears Wishbook Special.

Rasmus’ pick: Universal Monsters: Dracula #3: Dr. John Seward struggles against the mounting evidence that his Lucy is under the thrall of a blood-sucking supernatural being. Written by James Tynion IV and drawn by Martin Simmonds for Image/Skybound. ($4.99) Listen to us talk about a different Dracula comic on WMQ&A.

Matt’s pick: Dwellings #3: Welcome back to Elwich, where murderous and horrifying secrets sleep just below the pristine surface, slithering in the shadows of this otherwise quiet and idyllic small town. Readers with coulrophobia beware: In this issue, creepy clowns are quite the scare! By Jay Stephens for Oni Press. ($9.99) Listen to Stephens talk about the series on WMQ&A.

Armaan’s pick: Coda #4: As Hum ruminates on his personal connection to stories of the past and how it left him in his current state, the threads of connectedness continue to weave through the tale as he wrestles with feelings over his own body. Meanwhile, Mildew crosses paths with Hum and Serka after a harrowing rescue in the midst of a brutal battle. While things may not turn out how they hope, Serka has a new plan to set things right. Written by Si Spurrier and drawn by Matias Bergara for BOOM Studios. ($4.99)

Adam’s pick: Immortal X-Men #18: Being immortal means nothing when you’ve run out of time. There’s no future. There’s no past. There’s no way out. Also it looks like a giant Mother Righteous is going to eat everybody. Written by Kieron Gillen and drawn by Juan Jose Ryp. ($3.99) Previously, in Immortal X-Men …

Bonus pick: X-Force #47: In the aftermath of Colossus’ and Beast’s revelations, X-Force must regroup. And before they tackle their next mission, they must marshal their forces at a new base at the ends of the world. But if the harsh arctic environment won’t do them in, perhaps Orchis will! Plus: Be here for Quentin Quire’s surprise discovery from the Hellfire Gala. Written by Benjamin Percy and drawn by Daniel Picciotto. ($3.99) Previously, in X-Chat …

Tony’s pick: Action Comics Annual: Norah Stone’s true form has been revealed, her gateway between worlds is opened, and the invasion of Earth has begun. As the Multiverse’s two most powerful families clash above Metropolis, which legacy will Otho-Ra choose? Will the followers of Blue Earth defend their treacherous leader, or their own home? Three years of Action Comics storylines culminate in this double-sized issue. Written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson and drawn by Max Raynor. ($5.99)

Austin’s pick: X-Men Epic Collection: The Brood Saga: An X-Men extravaganza up there with the very best, “The Brood Saga” blends space opera with disgusting parasites from the outer limits of the universe in the form of the deadly and sadistic Brood. Featuring art by Dave Cockrum and Paul Smith, it’s an action-packed adventure with a visual majesty that will leave you awed. Then, the X-Men encounter Dracula and Limbo. Plus, a character-defining tale that shows Professor X and Magneto as allies before their philosophical falling out. Collecting Uncanny X-Men (1981) #154-167, X-Men Annual (1970) #6 and Special Edition X-Men #1. ($44.99) Throwback to when Battle of the Atom ranked “The Brood Saga.”

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Dan Grote is the editor and publisher of ComicsXF, having won the site by ritual combat. By day, he’s a newspaper editor, and by night, he’s … also an editor. He co-hosts The ComicsXF Interview Podcast with Matt Lazorwitz. He lives in New Jersey with his wife, two kids and two miniature dachshunds, and his third, fictional son, Peter Paul Winston Wisdom. Follow him