Magneto is back up in yo’ ass with the Resurrection in this week’s Staff Picks

Each week, ComicsXF staff offer their recommendations for what to read. New DC books come out Tuesdays, everything else Wednesdays.

Armaan’s pick: Resurrection of Magneto #1: On Krakoa, resurrection from the dead was as easy as completing a circuit. But Krakoa fell. The time of easy miracles is over, and only the hard roads are left. Now it falls to Storm to bring the X-Men’s oldest enemy home to fight Orchis, but after all he did, and all that was done to him, can Magneto bear to return? Written by Al Ewing and drawn by Luciano Vecchio. ($5.99) Previously, in X-Men Red … Buy it here.

Dan’s pick: Deer Editor #1: A John Doe slaying lures a journalist into a world of political intrigue, a Wi-Fi-enabled grotto and a station locker full of secrets. For Bucky, an editor of the crime beat at The Truth, it’s all in a day’s work. But he also happens to be a deer. Written by Ryan K. Lindsay and drawn by Sami Kivela (Undone by Blood) for Mad Cave. ($4.99)

Chris’ pick: G.O.D.S. #4: That guy in the beekeeper suit is holding a thing that’s freaking everyone out. A Skinner box is bigger on the inside than the outside. The Avatar makes an enemy on the Axis of Power. If you save the universe and no one remembers, is it worth it? Huh? Written by Jonathan Hickman and drawn by Valerio Schiti. ($4.99) ‘Member when we reviewed the first issue? Buy it here.

Rasmus’ pick: Immortal Thor #6: The All-Father sought answers to his new troubles in memories of old. And to refresh those memories, he consulted his Skald, to tell a tale of when Young Thor and Young Loki journeyed out beyond Asgard, on a quest that would determine the fate of all the Realms. This is the story of the Immortal Thor, and of his first Journey into MysteryTM. Written by Al Ewing and drawn by Martin Coccolo. ($4.99) Hey, we reviewed the first issue of this. Buy it here.

Tony’s pick: Green Arrow #8: Green Arrow hits the streets of Star City in search of a lost family member and runs into … Onomatopoeia?! Wait, the Kevin Smith guy? We’re bringing him back? Wow. Written by Joshua Williamson and drawn by Phil Hester and Eric Gapstur. ($3.99) ‘Member that time BatChat covered Batman-Green Arrow team-ups? Buy it here.

Adam’s pick: X-Force #48: He was their mission commander. Now he is their mission. At last, X-Force takes the fight to Beast. Written by Benjamin Percy and drawn by Robert Gill. ($3.99) Previously, in X-Chat … Buy it here.

Matt’s pick: Detective Comics #1,081: Spirited away from a city that believes him dead, Batman has been brought far from Gotham and deposited in a desert of legend. Possessed by an Azmer demon and rapidly losing his own identity, he must now cross this mythic landscape on a vision quest. With no water, no supplies and no one to save him, Batman is left with two choices: burn out the demon or be left as bones in the sand. Meanwhile, the Orghams’ master plan is finally fully enacted as they use the Reality Engine to make all of Gotham forget there ever was a Batman. Written by Ram V and drawn by Riccardo Federici and Stefano Raffaele, with a backup by Dan Watters and Hayden Sherman. ($4.99) Previously, in BatChat … Buy it here.

Scott’s pick: Star Trek Defiant Annual #1: After the classified information she stole from the Klingon High Council fails to earn back her favor with Romulan intelligence, Commander Sela is forced to take drastic action and turns back the clock — literally. But what was supposed to be a surefire plan to correct her failed coup over the Klingons quickly spirals into chaos when the technology malfunctions and sends her to a devastated war-torn past with the last person Sela ever wanted to see again — her mother, Tasha Yar. Written by Christopher Cantwell and drawn by Ramon Rosanas for IDW. ($5.99) Previously, in Trek Talks … Buy it here.

Austin’s pick: Rom: The Original Marvel Years (R)Omnibus: ROM IS THE BOMB.COM! Marvel collects the early adventures of a toy that never caught on but somehow has become a cult comics icon. Centuries ago, Rom pledged his life to protect his planet, Galador, from the evil Dire Wraiths. Now, Rom has tracked these vile creatures across the cosmos to Earth, where they have infiltrated the highest levels of power. Armed with his energy analyzer, only Rom can see the Wraiths’ true form, and with his neutralizer, he can blast them into Limbo. (Wait, the Magik Limbo or a different one?) But what will Earth make of this armored invader? Collecting ROM (1979) #1-29 and Power Man and Iron Fist (1978) #73. ($125) ‘Member that time the BotA Boyz ranked a ROM story? Buy it here.

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Dan Grote is the editor and publisher of ComicsXF, having won the site by ritual combat. By day, he’s a newspaper editor, and by night, he’s … also an editor. He co-hosts The ComicsXF Interview Podcast with Matt Lazorwitz. He lives in New Jersey with his wife, two kids and two miniature dachshunds, and his third, fictional son, Peter Paul Winston Wisdom. Follow him