The Ultimate line expands to Wakanda in this week’s Staff Picks

Mark’s pick: Ultimate Black Panther #1: In the wake of Ultimate Invasion, Khonshu and Ra — the force known together as Moon Knight — are seeking to expand their brutal control of the continent of Africa. In response, the lone bulwark against them, the isolated nation of Wakanda, will send forth its champion, its king, the Black Panther. Written by Bryan Edward Hill (Blade) and drawn by Stefano Caselli (X-Men Red). ($5.99) Previously, in the Ultimate Universe … | Buy it here.

Tony’s pick: Wolverine: Madripoor Knights #1: You guys ‘member when Wolverine fought with Captain America and Black Widow that one time? Well, this comic presupposes, what if there were more of that? Written by Chris Claremont and drawn by Edgar Salazar. ($3.99) Previously, in nostalgia … | Buy it here.

Dan’s pick: The One Hand #1: Neo Novena detective Ari Nasser is about to retire with an enviable record, until a brutal murder occurs, bearing all the hallmarks of the “One Hand Killer” — which should be impossible, since Ari already put him away not once, but twice in the years before. What follows is a deadly cat-and-mouse game as Ari pursues his quarry down the rain-soaked streets of Neo Novena. Written by Ram V and drawn by Laurence Campbell for Image. ($3.99) Check out our review, and listen to Ram talk about the series on next week’s WMQ&A: The ComicsXF Interview Podcast.

Adam’s pick: Godzilla Valentine’s Day Special: Is there anything as romantic as seeing the world together? Hopping from country to country to take in the sights and splendor in the fleeting seconds before Godzilla smashes the skyline? Truly, there’s nothing like the thrill of an international game of cat and mouse between an intrepid amateur kaiju researcher and a global kaiju-response lieutenant. But when you’re up against Godzilla, it’s hard to have a bigger “crush.” Written by Zoe Tunnell (Blade Maidens) and drawn by Sebastian Piriz for IDW. ($4.99) Check out our interview with Tunnell. | Buy it here.

Scott’s pick: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return #1: In an alternate universe, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers finally defeated Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd, but at a terrible cost. In the wake of tragedy, the team went their separate ways. Twenty-two years later, the long-disbanded team reunites to mourn beloved friends, but Zack and Billy have some unexpected information to share: Jason, the Red Ranger, has been operating as a lone vigilante, and has since disappeared. Will the remaining Rangers be able to track him down, especially with a mysterious figure in pursuit? Written by original Pink Ranger Amy Jo Johnson and Matt Hotson and drawn by Nico Leon for BOOM Studios. ($4.99) Previously, in Power Rangers stuff … | Buy it here.

Austin’s pick: Thundercats #1: Fleeing through space to escape their dying homeworld, the ThunderCats were attacked en route by their mortal enemies, the Mutants of Plun-Darr. After diverting their damaged flagship to a planet called Third Earth, the surviving ThunderCats now strive to rebuild their society in harmony with the new world’s natives. But the Mutants, determined to possess the ThunderCats’ mystical gem, the Eye of Thundera, have tracked them down, and they’ve also forged an alliance with Mumm-Ra, the devil-priest of Third Earth! Written by Declan Shalvey and drawn by Drew Moss for Dynamite. ($4.99) Previously, in toys …

Anna’s pick: Avengers #10: As the Avengers battle the Twilight Court, the mysterious Myrddin has his rival within reach. With Kang being the only source of information the Avengers have regarding the Tribulation Events, can the team save him before Myrddin strikes? Written by Jed MacKay and drawn by C.F. Villa. ($3.99) Previously, in Avengers … | Buy it here.

Rasmus’ pick: Fantastic Four #17: When construction unearths something unexpected, Susan Storm is called in — not as a superhero but as an archaeologist. But when the bones she uncovers turn out to be female, and matching her build, and wearing the shredded and decayed remains of what appears to be blue fabric constructed of unstable molecules, she must accept the fantastic: Dr. Susan Storm is going to die deep in Earth’s prehistory, and that time is coming sooner than she might think. Written by Ryan North and drawn by Carlos Gomez. ($3.99) Previously, in Fantastic Four … | Buy it here.

Matt’s pick: The Question by O’Neill and Cowan Omnibus Vol. 2: Dennis O’Neil and Denys Cowan’s gritty, noir take on DC’s most enigmatic hero concludes in this second volume, which finds the Question struggling to keep a gang-ridden Hub City from tearing itself apart. Collecting The Question #28-36, The Question Annual #2 and Green Arrow Annual #2-3, plus additional tales from The Question Quarterly #1-5, The Brave and the Bold #1-6, The Question Returns #1 and stories from Showcase ’95 #3 and Azrael Plus #1. ($125) Buy it here.

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Dan Grote is the editor and publisher of ComicsXF, having won the site by ritual combat. By day, he’s a newspaper editor, and by night, he’s … also an editor. He co-hosts The ComicsXF Interview Podcast with Matt Lazorwitz. He lives in New Jersey with his wife, two kids and two miniature dachshunds, and his third, fictional son, Peter Paul Winston Wisdom. Follow him