X-Men Forever (Forever-ever? ForEVER-ever?), new Ram V and more CXF Staff Picks

Each week, ComicsXF staff offer their recommendations for what to read. New DC books come out Tuesdays (for now), everything else Wednesdays.

Austin’s pick: X-Men Forever #1: How can you kill a digital god? What do you do when the Phoenix is bleeding out into nothing? There have been questions that have haunted you since the end of Immortal X-Men. Finally, some answers. There also have been some questions that have haunted you since the start of Immortal X-Men. Finally, some answers, too. Written by Kieron Gillen and drawn by Luca Maresca (Children of the Vault). ($4.99) Previously, in Immortal X-Men … | Buy it here.

Scott’s pick: Dawnrunner #1: A century ago, a portal opened over Central America and the Tetza that came through changed our world. Now, the world bends all its effort to making the Iron Kings — great mechs that must battle the Tetza for humanity’s continued survival in gladiatorial combat. Anita Marr is the greatest of the pilots and is chosen to pilot a new prototype that could change the tide in humanity’s favor. Written by Ram V (Detective Comics) and drawn by Evan Cagle for Dark Horse. ($4.99) Listen to Ram talk about the book on WMQ&A: The ComicsXF Interview Podcast. | Buy it here.

Matt’s pick: Man’s Best #1: Three emotional support pets live on the Starship Horizon, a spacecraft searching for a new planet to house a humanity compromised by bad decisions and corporate corruption. But after the ship crashes and their crew is captured, these loyal pets are their owners’ only hope. Written by Pornsak Pichetshote (The Good Asian) and drawn by Jesse Lonergan (Hedra) for BOOM Studios. ($4.99) Buy it here.

Jake’s pick: The Infernals #2: The mission to end the world is on! Nero, Jackal and Bee take a high-stakes meeting with a benevolent adversary. Abe receives an unexpected visitor from his past. And a dangerous new player enters the game. Written by Noah Gardner and Ryan Parrott and drawn by John J. Pearson for Image. ($3.99) We interviewed the creative team on WMQ&A. | Buy it here.

Adam’s pick: Resurrection of Magneto #3: In the cold dark rooms beyond death, there are terrible things. Annihilators. Adversaries. And a King of Shadows who seeks a new soul to live in. The time of easy miracles is over. For Storm and Magneto, all the roads back to life are hard, and this is the hardest road of all. Written by Al Ewing and drawn by Luciano Vecchio. ($4.99) Check out a preview. | Buy it here.

Dan’s pick: Cobra Commander #3: Cobra Commander isn’t the only one looking to harness the alien energy source known as Energon. That means he has to either take control of the new organization he’s encountered, or destroy them. Written by Joshua Williamson and drawn by Andrea Milana for Image/Skybound. ($3.99) Previously, in the Energon Universe … | Buy it here.

Bonus pick: Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #25: This oversized special issue takes our heroes around the DCU and beyond, with a lead story that will showcase the first meeting between the Joker and Lex Luthor. Plus: Doom-Mite strikes and points the way to the next World’s Finest epic. Written by Mark Waid and drawn by Steve Pugh and Dan Mora. ($4.99) Previously, in BatChat …

Rasmus’ pick: Swan Songs TP: The End of the World. The End of a Marriage. The End of Eden. The End of a Sentence. The End of Anhedonia. Even The End of the Sidewalk! Collecting six issues of a comic about endings written by W. Maxwell Prince (Ice Cream Man) and drawn by Martin Simmonds (Department of Truth), Caspar Wijngaard (Home Sick Pilots), Filipe Andrade (The Many Deaths of Laila Starr), Caitlin Yarsky (Black Hammer), Alex Eckman-Lawn (Renowned Collage Master) and Martin Morazzo (Ice Cream Man) for Image Comics. ($16.99) Buy it here.

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Dan Grote is the editor and publisher of ComicsXF, having won the site by ritual combat. By day, he’s a newspaper editor, and by night, he’s … also an editor. He co-hosts The ComicsXF Interview Podcast with Matt Lazorwitz. He lives in New Jersey with his wife, two kids and two miniature dachshunds, and his third, fictional son, Peter Paul Winston Wisdom. Follow him @danielpgrote.bsky.social.