Each week, ComicsXF staff offer their recommendations for what to read. New DC books come out Tuesdays (for now), everything else Wednesdays.
Tony’s pick: Blood Hunt #1: Vampires are on the loose and plaguing the entire Marvel Universe. Get ready for this summer’s big event, written by Jed MacKay (Avengers) and drawn by Pepe Larraz (House of X). ($5.99) Listen to MacKay talk about Blood Hunt on The ComicsXF Interview Podcast. | Buy it here.

Matt’s pick: Space Ghost #1: Long before he was a kooky talk show host who told Moby no one cares, Space Ghost was the Adam West Batman of the stars, fighting colorful space criminals with two kids and a monkey in tow. Revisit those adventures with writer David Pepose and artist Jonathan Lau for Dynamite. ($4.99) Listen to Pepose talk about the series on this week’s CXF Interview Podcast. | Buy it here.
Rasmus’ pick: Whisper Queen #1: The royal guard has sent their most capable bounty hunters after the accomplices in the king’s murder. Javro, once the king’s most skilled assassin, must find the killers before they and the bounty hunters — including her son — are wiped out by the kingdom’s most feared specter: The Dark Whisper. A tale from the same world as “White Trees” by Chip Zdarsky and Kris Anka for Image. ($3.99) Buy it here.
Dan’s pick: Toxic Summer #1: Best friends Ben and Leo had the perfect summer planned after high school graduation. As lifeguards in the idyllic beach town of Port Dorian, they were planning for three months of hot guys, late-night bonfires and no regrets, until a toxic spill transformed their dream summer into a waking nightmare. Now, Port Dorian is flooded with panicked tourists, a local researcher is paralyzed while investigating the spill and a horrifying pack of subhuman monstrosities is snatching beachgoers in the night. Created by Derek Charm (Jughead, Unbeatable Squirrel Girl) for Oni Press. ($6.99) Buy it here.

Jake’s pick: Superman: House of Brainiac Special: How did Brainiac create a Bottled City of Czarnia? Who steps up to protect Metropolis after Brainiac’s army leaves it in ruins? Will Lois Lane confront Perry White about his secrets as he runs for mayor of Metropolis? And how is Amanda Waller involved in all of this? Meanwhile, Bibbo Bibbowski steps up! With the heroes gone and a city in need of some champions, our favorite bartender organizes the community to save their beloved home. Written by Joshua Williamson and Mark Russell and drawn by Steve Pugh, Edwin Galmon and Fico Ossio. ($5.99) Previously, in Superman stuff … | Buy it here.
Austin’s pick: Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace 25th Anniversary Special: Explore the earliest days and secret inner life of Anakin Skywalker with never-before-seen, revelatory stories set before, after and between the scenes of the 1999 movie. Featuring the dream of a Jedi, the gift of a Tusken Raider, the heart of a Gungan, the ache of a mother and the horror of a hero. Written by Greg Pak and drawn by Will Sliney. ($5.99) Previously, in Star Wars stuff … | Buy it here.
Scott’s pick: Cemetery Kids Don’t Die #3: A new kind of evil awaits players in the shadows of Nightmare Cemetery. The game’s tricks, playing out in the real world in gruesomely violent ways, drive a wedge between friends, thus threatening efforts to find Pik. When Enid bails from the game, she begins her own investigation into the Dreamwave’s effect on its players and uncovers an uncanny pattern of mysterious accidents. Written by Zac Thompson and drawn by Daniel Irizarri for Oni Press. ($4.99) Listen to Thompson talk about the series on the CXF Interview Podcast. | Buy it here.

Mark’s pick: Immortal Thor #10: The son of Odin faced three of his greatest foes in battle — with the fog of magic closing around him. Yet even if he won, he lost, for Thor fought not for his life — but for his death. This is the story of the Immortal Thor, and the Minotaur’s final triumph. Written by Al Ewing and drawn by Martin Coccolo. ($4.99) Previously, in the Roxxin’ Thor … | Buy it here.
Adam’s pick: X-Men 2099 Omnibus HC: In the year 2099, Xi’an Chi Xan wants Meanstreak, Krystalin, Skullfire, Metalhead, Serpentina, Junkpile and Cerebra to help rebuild Charles Xavier’s century-old dream, but lies, betrayal and assassination may tear them down before they start. The gods of the Aesir and demons of the Theatre of Pain are against them, but will the shape-shifting Bloodhawk join the new X-Men’s cause? Halloween Jack offers more tricks than treats, the Free Radicals will daze and confuse, the Undead rise and the X-Nation is born. But is Xi’an truly this era’s Professor X? Or will he become the X-Men’s most dangerous enemy? Collecting X-Men 2099 #1-35, Spider-Man2099 (1992) #16, Ravage 2099 #15, Doom 2099 #14, Punisher 2099 #13, X-Men 2099 Special #1, X-Men 2099: Oasis and X-Nation 2099 #1-6 by John Francis Moore, Ron Lim and more. ($125) Listen to the BotA Boyz get way too hype for X-Men 2099.
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Dan Grote is the editor and publisher of ComicsXF, having won the site by ritual combat. By day, he’s a newspaper editor, and by night, he’s … also an editor. He co-hosts The ComicsXF Interview Podcast with Matt Lazorwitz. He lives in New Jersey with his wife, two kids and two miniature dachshunds, and his third, fictional son, Peter Paul Winston Wisdom. Follow him @danielpgrote.bsky.social.