Ultimate Wolverine, a Storm celebration and 10 more comics we’re excited about in January

Happy new year! What, we can start celebrating Christmas on Nov. 1 but we can’t start prepping for New Year’s? You people make no sense. Anyway, we here at CXF took a peek at the January solicits, and here are a few of the things we’re excited for.


Ultimate Wolverine #1: The new iteration of Marvel’s Ultimate universe is largely firing on all cylinders, and this new series, written by Chris Condon (That Texas Blood) and drawn by Alessandro Capuccio (Moon Knight) will no doubt keep that train rolling. In this comic, the Russian wing of The Maker’s Council — Magik, Colossus and Omega Red — deploy their own Winter Soldier, a fully masked man in familiar be-clawed togs. Our guess: It’s not Logan. Listen to Condon talk about the series on the Battle of the Atom New York Comic Con special. | Preorder it here.

Magik #1: With her anime-girl look and her Final Fantasy buster sword, Illyana long ago supplanted Colossus as the most popular member of the Rasputin family. Writer Ashley Allen returns to the character after writing her in a Blood Hunt one-shot last summer, joined by artist German Peralta, a favorite from such X-content as the five-issue Zac Thompson and Lonnie Nadler run of Cable and the Vita Ayala-penned “Age of X-Man” tie-in Prisoner X. Pre-order it here.

Storm: Lifedream #1: This month’s Marvel’s Voices Black History Month offering is an anthology dedicated solely to Ororo Munroe, in celebration of the 50th anniversary of her first appearance in Giant-Size X-Men #1. Creators involved include Angelique Roche, John Jennings, Curtis Baxter, Brittney Morris, Karen S. Darboe, Edwin Galmon and more. Check out our coverage of the first issue of her current series. | Pre-order it here.

Star Wars: A New Legacy: Marvel celebrates 10 years of publishing Star Wars comics again (and developing selective amnesia about the Dark Horse comics that came before it) with this anthology featuring new stories by Jason Aaron, Kieron Gillen and Charles Soule, with art by Ramon Rosanas, Leonard Kirk and Salva Espin. Pre-order it here.

Strikeforce: Morituri Omnibus: WE WHO ARE ABOUT TO DIE. In this classic 1980s sci-fi series co-created by the late Peter B. Gillis and artist Brent Anderson (X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills), a crew of alien fighters is given enhanced abilities to protect humanity, but the transformation is fatal within a year. Sounds like a real … (puts on sunglasses) … suicide squad (YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAHHH!) Collects Strikeforce: Morituri #1-31 and Strikeforce: Morituri: Electric Undertow #1-5. Pre-order it here.


DC Power: Rise of the Power Company: In DC’s Black History Month anthology, meta-attorney Josiah Power, sets out to assemble a team to protect Black and brown communities in the wake of Absolute Power and to rebuild human faith in heroes. Featuring stories by Vita Ayala, Brandon Thomas, John Jennings, Zipporah Smith, Ray-Anthony Height, Canaan White, Kelsey Ramsay and Charles Stewart III.


Death of Copra #1: Michel Fiffe sends his long-running, Suicide Squad-inspired DIY superhero franchise out with a bang in this four-issue miniseries.

    Ice Cream Man #43: Team ICM challenged creators to come up with one-page horror stories, and the result is this jam comic featuring W. Maxwell Prince, Martin Morazzo, Grant Morrison, Patton Oswalt, Geoff Johns, Zoe Thorogood, Kelly Sue DeConnick, Matt Fraction, Jeff Lemire, Deniz Camp, Frank Barbiere and more.

    Saga #72: This got pushed back from December, but our feelings remain the same: Oh shit, it’s an end-of-arc issue and Ghüs is on the cover. I SWEAR TO CHRIST, BRIAN K. VAUGHAN AND FIONA STAPLES, DON’T YOU HURT ONE HAIR ON THAT TINY SEAL-MAN’S HEAD.


    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #6: Juan Ferreyra (Spine-Tingling Spider-Man) joins Jason Aaron as the new regular artist on the heroes in a half shell. Listen to this week’s ComicsXF Interview Podcast New York Comic Con Special for a chat with Ferreyra and new TMNT editor Andy Khouri.


    Fortune & Glory: The Musical: A long, long time ago, in the 2000s, writer Brian Michael Bendis was approached to help write a Spider-Man musical, the disastrous, short-lived Turn off the Dark. With Bill Walko, Wes Dzioba and Joshua Reed, Bendis tells this behind-the-scenes tale in a sequel to his original 2000 autobio comic. Pre-order it here.


    Money Shot: Big Bang #0: The intrepid crew of space sex-plorers returns with a new ally, comedian and comics writer/appreciator Patton Oswalt! This zero issue serves to catch new readers up on what came before and where the crew will come, I mean go … nah, come works … next. Listen to this week’s CXF Interview Podcast NYCC Special for a chat with Money Shot mastermind Tim Seeley.

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    Dan Grote is the editor and publisher of ComicsXF, having won the site by ritual combat. By day, he’s a newspaper editor, and by night, he’s … also an editor. He co-hosts The ComicsXF Interview Podcast with Matt Lazorwitz. He lives in New Jersey with his wife, two kids and two miniature dachshunds, and his third, fictional son, Peter Paul Winston Wisdom. Follow him @danielpgrote.bsky.social.