The Uncanny Experience to celebrate 25 years of X-Men: Evolution this summer

The Uncanny Experience, Minneapolis’ X-Men fan convention and immersive experience, recently announced a new batch of guests for its third show this summer, along with its theme: a celebration of X-Men Evolution.

For the previous two shows, The Uncanny Experience drew heavily on fan affection for X-Men: The Animated Series (and its surprisingly good follow-up, X-Men ’97) — a beloved touchstone for a generation of X-fans — with voice actors like Alison Sealy-Smith (Storm) and behind-the-scenes creatives like Eric and Julia Lewald and Larry Houston attending as featured guests. With 2025 marking the 25th anniversary of X-Men: Evolution, this year’s Uncanny Experience will celebrate the animated series that is a beloved touchstone for a later generation of X-fans.

Just announced as guests are X-Men: Evolution director and character Designer Steven E. Gordon and voice actresses Meghan Black (Rogue) and Maggie Blue O’Hara (Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat). Additional guests will be announced.

The show is set to take over the historic Minneapolis Club for its latest “semester” July 12-13. In addition to celebrity guests, attendees can expect to attend classes on mutant culture taught by prominent X-Men podcasters, cosplayers and creators, explore rooms decorated as character bedrooms, and unravel clues in the Mystery in the Mansion quest, along with a sales floor featuring comics, prints and other merchandise, plus coplayers galore.

For more information on The Uncanny Experience and updates (as well as tickets), visit, and check out the sizzle reel from last year’s show below.

Austin Gorton also reviews older issues of X-Men at the Real Gentlemen of Leisure website, co-hosts the A Very Special episode podcast, and likes Star Wars. He lives outside Minneapolis, where sometimes, it is not cold. Follow him