I usually try to put something witty or informative here. But this week, Patreon backer Matt McThorn is back, and he asked us to read Neal Adams’s mad dream, Batman: Odyssey. He didn’t know what he was getting himself or us into, so we have forgiven him, but this one feels like an all-timer. We also read two Denny O’Neil/Neal Adams stories from the 70s, as well as a classic EC Comics story that we don’t rank since it’s not a Batman story, but ties in with what we’re talking about, and you can read it on-line HERE. It ties in with “Night of the Reaper,” so if you haven’t read that and a reading along, I would suggest reading that before reading this story. But aside from that homework, get ready for dinosaurs, the hollow Earth, stream of consciousness and Jazz wizards.
- A Vox From the Grave (Detective Comics V.1 #410)
- Night of the Reaper (Batman V.1 #237)
- Odyssey (Batman: Odyssey V.1 #1-6, V.2 #1-7)
This week’s BatChat column focuses on Absolute Batman #5.
Check out the Big Board of rankings HERE.
Thanks to Geri Nonnewitz for our podcast logo.
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