Each week, Xavier Files staff offer their recommendations for what to read. New DC comics come out Tuesdays, everything else Wednesdays.
Vishal’s Pick

Rorschach #1: DC’s quest to never give Alan Moore the rights back to Watchmen continues with this Tom King 12-Issue Maxiseries (TM) starring everyone’s favorite Ayn Rand disciple. Drawn by Jorge Fornes (“Hot Lunch Special”). ($4.99) Check out the latest from Vishal.
Zoe’s Pick

Commanders in Crisis #1: Fresh off his exclusive stint at DC, writer Steve Orlando seeks to make a new statement on superheroes at Image with artist Davide Tinto. ($3.99) Check out the latest from Zoe.
Dan’s Pick

Dracula Motherfucker: The lord of the vampires reawakens in 1970s Los Angeles in an Image graphic novella by writer Alex de Campi (“Archie vs. Predator”) and artist Erica Henderson (“Assassin Nation”). ($16.99) Check out the latest from Dan.
Will’s Pick

The Vain #1: A young FBI agent pursues a gang of blood-bank robbing vampires in pre-World War II Chicago in an Oni Press miniseries by writer Eliot Rahal (“Midnight Vista”) and artist Emily Pearson (“The Wilds”). ($3.99) Listen to Rahal and Pearson on a recent episode of WMQ&A.
Matt’s Pick

DC the Doomed and the Damned #1: In case last week’s Swamp Thing special wasn’t enough for you, we’ve got another oversized, overpriced DC spook’em anthology this week, this time featuring Batman, Madame Xanadu, Man-Bat, Etrigan the Demon and more. Featuring Saladin Ahmed, Riley Rossmo, Marv Wolfman, Tom Mandrake, Garth Ennis and more. ($9.99) Check out the latest from Matt.
Zack’s Pick

Hellions #5: The Hellions enter the fray of “X of Swords,” but what is their role, and does one of them get a sword? Psylocke’s holding two on the cover, so … maybe? Written by Zeb Wells and drawn by guest artist Carmen Carnero (“X Corp” ha ha just kidding) ($3.99) Previously, on “Hellions” …
Cori’s Pick

New Mutants #13: So you have language-based powers and just found out your right arm and best friend is a sword chosen to do battle on the plains of Otherworld. Good thing you read combat as body language in that one arc a few years ago. Written by Ed Brisson and drawn by returning NM champion Rod Reis. ($3.99) Previously, on “New Mutants” …
The Swords Book No One Picked

Cable #5: When we last saw Nathan, in “X of Swords: Creation,” he had used the Light of Galador as a key to unlock access to the old SWORD base. And like a good boy, he told his parents, Cyclops and Jean Grey, what was going on so they could help him. Find out what’s next, courtesy of writer Gerry Duggan and artist Phil Noto. ($3.99) Previously, on “Cable” …
Austin’s Pick

X of Swords Handbook: Update your Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe with this guide showing what select mutants have been up to since the Dawn of X. Handy if you can’t tell your Grasscutter from your Godkiller. ($4.99) Check out this guide to superhero guidebooks.
Tony’s Pick

Star Wars: Darth Vader #6: Vader sought revenge against those who hid Luke from him for all of these years, and in doing so nearly betrayed his master. It did not go unnoticed by Palpatine. It’s time for Vader’s next lesson, courtesy of writer Greg Pak and artist Raffaele Ienco. ($3.99) Check out the latest from Tony.
Dan Grote is the editor and publisher of ComicsXF, having won the site by ritual combat. By day, he’s a newspaper editor, and by night, he’s … also an editor. He co-hosts The ComicsXF Interview Podcast with Matt Lazorwitz. He lives in New Jersey with his wife, two kids and two miniature dachshunds, and his third, fictional son, Peter Paul Winston Wisdom. Follow him @danielpgrote.bsky.social.