The dog ate my new mutants in Uncanny X-Men #9
The Outliers, still finding their place in the mutant world, are hunted by a lethal new set of foes: a bloodthirsty, relentless and unstoppable pack of stealth Sentinels. Cut off from their mentors and allies, with no knowledge of who built or aimed these deadly drones, four untrained mutants are on the run and completely…

Battle Of The Atom: Sacre Blu Superman
This episode is all about Gambit. Why? I mean, that’s quite the important question. Friedrich Nietzsche said “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” Of course, Nietzsche also said “The Superman is the meaning of the earth.” and I remember just enough about that time he had blue electricity powers…

Battle Of The Atom: Carey On
Once upon a time, in the years before Xavier Files, Zack and his friend Thomas started an X-Men book club where the first thing they wanted to talk about was Mike Carey’s X-Men work. This is then that domino meme that gets us to this very moment nearly a decade later. Ranked This Episode:

Battle Of The Atom: Orphan & Nannymaker
When we think of icons, we think of them. They are X-Men characters whose names we would never confuse or mix up and certainly characters who should help Slingers sell more copies. Ranked This Episode:

Battle Of The Atom: We Have Magneto At Home
In our post-truth world, it is sometimes difficult to discern what Magneto truly is. Is he a freedom fighter filled with righteous fury? A lunatic obsessed with supremacy? A kind shepherd for the next generation of his people? What this podcast posits, it that he is a South Beach yoga instructor, and you know we…

Battle Of The Atom: Home Alone… With Kevin?
We don’t have a friend or a guest named Kevin in this one. But we do have Christmas stories of VARIOUS quality. Someone help us escape from the holiday hellscape we have created for ourselves. Ranked This Episode:

Battle Of The Atom: Soundwave Pterodactyl
Guess who had to resist screeching the entire episode? Hint: it’s the host who, for reasons unknown to himself, spends a shocking amount of this episode defending PAD X-Factor, a run he doesn’t really like all that much. People are complicated… Ranked This Episode:

Does Dazzler #4 demand an encore?
The Dazzler tour returns for one last big show in the Big Apple in Dazzler #4, written by Jason Loo, drawn by Rafael Loureiro and Alan Robinson, colored by Java Tartaglia and lettered by Ariana Maher. Previously in Loo and Loureiro’s Dazzler, Lila Cheney and Alison Blaire had a fun night out in Tokyo, only…

Battle Of The Atom: Not Pro-Murder
For legal reasons, the hosts of Battle Of The Atom need to affirm that we explicitly do not endorse murder as defined in 18 U.S.C. §§ 1111 and 1112. 18 U.S.C. § 1111. This episode discusses fictional events and characters and any statements or inferences about one or both of the hosts being “pro-murder” must be taken…

The 2024 ComicsXF Holiday Gift Guide Part I
Can it really be the holidays again so soon? That’s right, folks, we’ve taken another trip around the sun, and it’s time to gather those you love close and enjoy the holidays! No matter what you’re celebrating, you just have to get that special something for those special someones in your life. That’s where we…

Battle Of The Atom: Science Cussin’
Son of a Bromide, those Gallium Darmstadtium BotA Boyz are at it again with their stretching of what counts as an X-Men comic. This time it’s about Dr. Nemesis. Ranked This Episode:

Murderworld drifts into Tokyo in Marvel’s Dazzler #3
Dazzler and Lila Cheney party in Tokyo, only to be attacked by Arcade. Dazzler #3 is written by Jason Loo, drawn by Rafael Loureiro, colored by Java Tartaglia and lettered by Ariana Maher. Previously in Loo and Loureiro’s Dazzler, a British talk-show host was a complete wanker to Alison before an opportunistic mutant production assistant…

Battle Of The Atom: The Mutant Age Has Now Begun with David Brothers
X-Men: The Manga: Remastered editor David Brothers joins the boys for a deep dive into the remaster of the manga adaptation of the cartoon adaptation of the X-Men comics. Like an onion, this episode has layers.

Battle Of The Atom: My On-Fire-Motorcycle-Skeleton Friend
The horrors around us, they persist. But so does the Spirit of Vengeance. Adam and Zack continue celebrating Halloween longer than most people by talking about Ghost Rider because it was the best use of their mental energy on a Tuesday night. Ranked This Episode: