Battle Of The Atom: Signature Sound
It’s a Cyclops week where, let me tell you what, we forgot how annoying the M-Pox era was for all of us. Ranked This Episode:
It’s a Cyclops week where, let me tell you what, we forgot how annoying the M-Pox era was for all of us. Ranked This Episode:
While editing this episode, Adam made a list of the stuff Zack trash talks in it: That’s why he’s the Bad Boy of X-Men Podcasting. Ranked this episode:
The Dark Phoenix Saga is the defining story in X-Men, and no character is more impacted by it than Jean Grey. This episode asks, perchance, what if stories didn’t think about it? Ranked This Episode:
We return to 2099 with a vengeance. Unfortunately, we are beginning to understand why these books were canceled with a vengeance. An unexpected, and historic, episode. Ranked This Episode:
Because the site was down for a while we’re putting up two episodes at the same time. We’re doing the Brood this time. It’s the one where the Brood Queen was most likely to go to heaven. Ranked: We once again enter the weird world of Legion and let me tell you what, the takes…
This one is about Iceman and, as promised, we make an insufferable amount of ice puns. Ranked This Episode: Iceman Vol 2 Astonishing X-Men #62-65 Bizarre Adventure #27
The rules? They no longer apply to us. We’ve decided to stretch the premise of the podcast past the logical conclusion and into a world where frankly, nothing is ever the same. Looks folks, it’s coming up on six years, we’re deep into our having fun with it era. Ranked This Episode: Incredible Hulk #148…
A lot of people will be upset about the Morph we are spending the episode with. Those people need to remember that we are a podcast named after a Bendis event. Here’s your reminder to go read Christiana Strain’s Gen X. Ranked This Episode: Uncanny X-Men vol 3 #14 Generation X #1-2 (ResurrXion) Generation X…
Shinobi Shaw should have been a big deal right? Instead he’s always getting into it with teenagers. The dude just needs to chill. Ranked This Episode: Child’s Play: X-Force/New Warriors X-Men Annual #3 Generation X Annual Vol 1 1995 (Mondo)
The X-Men are always infighting. That’s why we love them. But this episode posits that maybe sometimes they fight versions of the original five X-Men as a bit? We’re committed to it. Also in this episode? A lot of talk about Tipper Gore. Ranked This Episode Uncanny X-Men #106 X-Men 2099 #8-11 (Zhao) Uncanny X-Men…
Dan Grote · The WMQ&A 5th Anniversary Three Amigos Dollar Bin Spectacular (with Adam Reck) Dan and Matt celebrate five years of podcasting with a salute to the dollar bin and its many treasures, guest starring Third Amigo Rob Lynch and Battle of the Atom’s Adam Reck. Featuring discussions of Alpha Flight! Herb Trimpe! Alexander…
It’s time, finally, the reason we started this show! Zack finally gets to talk to someone about X-Men 2099. Get ready for the critical reevaluation of the century. Ranked This Episode: X-Men 2099 #1-3 (The Gathering) X-Men 2099 #16-20 (Halloween Jack) X-Men 2099 #21-25 (2099 A.D. [After Doom])
Once again, Jordan D White, Senior Editor on the X-Men books, joins us to talk about what all happened last year and what all is going to happen this year. Also, oddly enough, a bit about the event Battle Of The Atom and where the heck you can find Raze.
Zack’s going on vacation so he decided to torment Adam and himself by spending a whole episode talking about Ultimatum. What a bad comic. Ranked This Episode Ultimatum Ultimate X-Men #98-100, Requiem #1 (Ultimatum) Ultimate X-Men #26-33 (Return Of The King)
We don’t actually go to Long Island on this one, but we got to the island of Madripoor. We’re all Madripoor down here. Ranked This Episode: Generation X #53-54 Wolverine #1-3 (The Black Blade) X-23/Daken: Dark Wolverine: Collision