Armaan Babu

Armaan is obsessed with the way stories are told. From video games to theater, TTRPGs to comics, he has written for, and about, them all. He will not stop, actually; believe us, we've tried.

The Man Comes Around In Cable #11

The future keeps coming back when you’re a member of the Summers family, and there’s always a weird reason why. Old Man Cable is back, brought back to help Young Cable defeat Stryfe and safe the kidnapped mutant babies. It’s time to prepare one last assault on Stryfe and his army – and everyone’s invited….

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Loki Episode 2 Orange

Double Trouble in Loki Episode #2

He’s faced thunder gods, Avengers, fire giants, and even his own death – and now, Loki’s facing what may be his greatest challenge of all: on the job training. As a coerced consultant for the TVA, Loki’s tasked with tracking down his variant self, but being a team player has rarely been one of the…

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