Austin Gorton

Austin Gorton also reviews older issues of X-Men at the Real Gentlemen of Leisure website, co-hosts the A Very Special episode podcast, and likes Star Wars. He lives outside Minneapolis, where sometimes, it is not cold. Follow him on Twitter @AustinGorton

Book of Boba Fett Episode 5

The Book of Boba Fett takes a narrative detour to check in with an old friend, as the Mandalorian returns and meets some old friends(?), gets a new ship, and is offered a job in ā€œReturn of the Mandalorianā€, written by Jon Favreau and directed by Bryce Dallas Howard. Austin Gorton: Mark, welcome back to…

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Sinister Six

The Sinister Six Draft

Did you enjoy Spider-Man: No Way Home? Well, join us as we delve into the Multiverse as some of our writers draft their ideal Sinister Six. This post went up early for patreon subscribers. If you’d like to become a patreon, please click this link! ComicsXF is creating Independent Comic Book Journalism | Patreon

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