Matthew Lazorwitz

Matt Lazorwitz read his first comic at the age of 5. It was Who's Who in the DC Universe #2, featuring characters whose names begin with B, which explains so much about his Batman obsession. He writes about comics he loves, and co-hosts the podcasts BatChat with Matt & Will and The ComicsXF Interview Podcast.

Tomasi’s ‘Tec Run Wraps, and for Some Reason We’re Still Covering White Knight Stuff in a between-Holidays Bat Chat

Batman and Robin (?) swing in to save the rest of the Bat family from Hush, a new mayor of Gotham is elected and Bruce says goodbye to Wayne Manor in Detective Comics #1,033 from Peter J. Tomasi, Brad Walker, Andrew Hennesy, Dave McCaig and Rob Leigh. Meanwhile, Harley, Duke Thomas and FBI profiler Hector…

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WMQ&A Episode 139: Comics and Prose with Darcie Little Badger

Dan Grote · WMQ&A Episode 139: Comics and Prose with Darcie Little Badger Dan and Matt are joined by writer Darcie Little Badger, who contributed a Dani Moonstar story to the recent Marvel Voices: Indigenous Voices anthology, published her debut novel, Elatsoe, this year and once had the high honor of having a short story…

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Batman #105 Wraps the Ghost-Maker Arc, PLUS a Look at the Bat Books Post-Future State

Welcome back to Bat Chat with Matt (and Will!). This week we’re back to just one book with the conclusion of the Ghost-Maker story, as Batman faces off with his foe and Harley has a heart-to-heart with Clownhunter in Batman #105 by James Tynion IV, Carlo Pagulayan & Danny Miki, Alvaro Martinez & Christian Duce…

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Xavier Files’ Best Comics Of 2020

As we close out the year that was, the staff at Xavier Files wanted to take a moment to highlight our favorite comics from throughout the year. There were so many great books that we couldn’t list them all, but we wanted to give our team the chance to highlight an issue, an arc, a…

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Grievances, Alliances….Deadpool? This Week In Marvel Files with Fantastic Four #27, Captain America #26, Taskmaster #2, Deadpool #9 and Magnificent Ms. Marvel #17

Hello friends and readers! Another packed week as the year ends! Zoe Tunnell flexes her eidetic memory with Taskmaster #2, Jude Jones continues his coverage of all-things Cap with Captain America #26, WMQ head honcho Dan Grote gives us the scoop on Deadpool #9, Matt Lazorwitz hits us with the teen troubles of Magnificent Ms….

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