Stephanie Burt

Stephanie Burt is Professor of English at Harvard. Her podcast about superhero role playing games is Team-Up Moves, with Fiona Hopkins; her latest book of poems is We Are Mermaids.  Her nose still hurts from that thing with the gate. 

Where did Magik and Cable fall in CXF’s ranking of X-Men: From the Ashes comics?

As of this writing, there are 13(!) monthly X-books on the shelves, two of which — X-Men and Uncanny X-Men — ship on an 18-issue-a-year schedule. That’s a lot, and there’s more coming, including Laura Kinney: Wolverine (who is already starring in NYX); a Timeslide one-shot co-starring Cable and Bishop; Magik (who is already starring…

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Academia and justice collide in NYX #4

Despite the destruction of the Krakoan dream, Professor David Alleyne — codename Prodigy — finally has something he wants to keep: tenure at Empire State University, where he’s teaching recent mutant history to a mixed, and suspicious, class. In that class: the redoubtable Kamala Khan, New York City’s most sympathetic (and only public) mutant superhero….

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