Stephanie Burt

Stephanie Burt is Professor of English at Harvard. Her podcast about superhero role playing games is Team-Up Moves, with Fiona Hopkins; her latest book of poems is We Are Mermaids.  Her nose still hurts from that thing with the gate. 

A Massive Marvel Files Minutiae Featuring Outlawed #1, Spider-Woman #1, The Amazing Mary Jane #6, Morbius #5, & Ghost-Spider #8

Hello friends and readers, and welcome to the biggest Marvel Minutiae EVER. We really should be calling Marvel Max…in..utiae. Well anyway, Christina Eddleman is going to be giving her thoughts on the new Spider-Woman #1, Zach Rabiroff starts off with the new teen event with Outlawed #1. Liz Large makes her Minutiae debut with Amazing…

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Krakoa Comes To Yancy Street As Franklin Richards Is Forced To Choose Between His Family And His People In X-Men/Fantastic Four #1

Mutants have a new home in Krakoa. They have come from far and wide, from all backgrounds, to join a community of their fellow Homo Superior. But one Omega Mutant has ignored the call. In X-Men/Fantastic Four Chip Zdarsky, Dodsons Terry & Rachel, Laura Martin, Dexter Vines and Karl Story come together to tell the…

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