Vishal Gullapalli

Vishal Gullapalli is highly opinionated and reads way too much.

Alien Pets, Alien Suits, Alien Friends & Moon Gods This Week As We Cover Avengers #33, Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #1, Amazing Spider-Man #43, And Venom #25 On Marvel Files

Hello friends and readers, we have actual physical books to cover for you this week, so in celebration, we decided to do all of them! Zack Jenkins digs into Avengers #33 by Aaron and Garron, while Liz Large dusts off the new #1 of Star Wars: Doctor Aphra by Wong and Cresta. Finally, it’s time…

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Iron Man Lost in Time, and Spidey’s Fightin’ Chance on Marvel Minutiae!

Correspondent Tony Thornley is back to talk about Spencer and Coello’s Amazing Spider-Man while the most prolific writer on the Xavier Files crew, Vishal Gullapalli, dives into Aaron and many artists’ Avengers #31! Amazing Spider-Man #40 There’s a lot going on in Spider-Man’s world. But then, when isn’t that true? However, Amazing Spider-Man #40 covers…

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Discover The New White Knight In Marauders #7

The Hellfire Trading Company grows as Emma recruits her White Knight in Gerry Duggan, Stefano Caselli, and Edgar Delgado’s Marauders #7. Meanwhile, Bishop learns more about the truth behind Homines Verendi. Christina Eddleman: After our last panic-inducing issue, I’ve felt the compulsion to binge issues that we don’t have yet. I’m very impatient, but so…

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A Goodbye to Al, and a Hello to Arno and SPOILER on This Week’s Threefer Madness

Friends and readers, welcome to Threefer Madness! This week we’ve got a combination of a new #1, the end of one writer’s tenure, and some heckin’ space adventures. Join writers Vishal Gullapalli and Tony Thornley as we delve into this comics in our traditional conversation Marvel Files Fashion! Iron Man 2020 #1 Arno Stark is…

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MaREADers: Set Sail For Madripoor As Homines Verendi Makes Their First Move In Marauders #5

The pieces Gerry Duggan, Matteo Lolli, Lucas Werneck, and Fredrico Blee have been setting up are finally coming into play in Marauder #5. While the Hellfire Trading Company is facing butting heads with each other, their dominance on the high seas is challenged by an allegiance between the nations who find Krakoa distasteful, and human…

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Marvel Files: The Heroes of the Marvel Universe Investigate a Murder in Incoming! #1

A veritable smorgasbord of Marvel writers and artists bring us a murder mystery, as well as tantalize with lead-ins and hooks for the stories of 2020 in this follow-up to the story spine of Marvel Comics #1000 and 1001.  Ari Bard: Incoming was… not what I thought it was going to be and pretty fun? …

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