Will Nevin

Will Nevin loves bourbon and AP style and gets paid to teach one of those things. He is on Twitter far too often.

Killin’ for Fun (and Revenge and Profit) in Rogues’ Gallery, Absolution and Above Snakes

If you go after the queen of TV superheroes, you’d better not miss. Or you could think about sucking less as a person. Your choice, really, in Rogues’ Gallery #1, written by Hannah Rose May, with story by May and Declan Shalvey, drawn by Justin Mason, colored by Triona Farrell, lettered by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou and…

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Solve Cases Like Batman and Wish You Hadn’t Read That Riddler Story in Batchat (Text)

The secret history of Gotham City begins to be revealed in Detective Comics #1,063 as “Gotham Nocturne” continues. Batman checks in with an obscure foe, the Orgham family’s history is further revealed and Barbatos returns. The lead story is written by Ram V, drawn by Rafael Albuquerque, colored by Dave Stewart and lettered by Ariana…

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