Will Nevin

Will Nevin loves bourbon and AP style and gets paid to teach one of those things. He is on Twitter far too often.

‘Tec Clears the Table before Fear State in Our Latest Bat Chat

In Detective Comics #1,042, Batman and Huntress conclude their battle with The Jury in the feature, while in the backup, Deb Donovan and Red Hood continue their investigation into missing supervillain corpses as the oddest couple in Gotham. The feature was written by Mariko Tamaki, drawn by Viktor Bogdanovic, inked by Daniel Henriques and Bogdanovic,…

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CM Punk Returns

Summerslam, Takeover and oh…CM Punk Returns

Charlie Davis: Hey so. Some magic happened last night. I don’t know what’s gonna happen at SummerSlam. But it’s gonna have nothing on The First Dance.  Forrest Hollingsworth: Look in my eyes, what do you see? An uneven week of wrestl-ing. Will Nevin: Looks like I picked a good week to start with the wrestling…

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Department of Truth Rounds up Bigfoot and a Smidge of Unfathomable Sadness

Department of Truth agents Turner, Harrison and [insert Field Ranger Darla’s last name here] trek into the woods to kill a Bigfoot and stop one man from spreading his views of the world. What they find is something bigger than any cryptid imaginable in Department of Truth #11, written by James Tynion IV, illustrated by…

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Legends’ First Arc Ends and We Dive Deeper into Joker’s Puzzlebox in Bat Chat

It’s catch-up week here at Bat Chat. With none of the main-continuity Bat titles dropping, we’ll be discussing three out-of-continuity digital first tales: two released physically in the past couple weeks, and one that is still digital for a couple more months. The inaugural arc of the new volume of Legends of the Dark Knight…

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