Zachary Jenkins

Zachary Jenkins co-hosts the podcast Battle of the Atom and is the former editor-in-chief of ComicsXF. Shocking everyone, he has a full and vibrant life outside all this.

The Multiverse According to ComicsXF!

With the looming release of Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness serving as the latest entry in pop culture’s recent obsession with multiverses and realities alternate, parallel and multiple, we asked our ComicsXF writers to share their thoughts about their favorite alternate reality from across the wide multiverse of stories!  Earth-1610: The Ultimate Universe…

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Meet The Former Marvel Editor Leading Tapas Into Uncharted Waters

“Literally the last thing I did before I left Marvel was the first Marvel’s Voices. It was a huge fight,” Chris Robinson says of the anthology series focused on marginalized creators and characters. The publisher has since put out six follow-up anthologies celebrating first “diverse” intellectual property and, second, diverse creators. “While you guys are…

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