Zachary Jenkins

Zachary Jenkins co-hosts the podcast Battle of the Atom and is the former editor-in-chief of ComicsXF. Shocking everyone, he has a full and vibrant life outside all this.

Big Returns, Big Fights and Bigger Reveals This Week in Marvel Files with Captain America #24, Avengers #37, and Amazing Spider-Man #50!

Hello friends and readers! Another week, another batch of Marvel titles to dig into! This week, Jude Jones hits up Captain America #24, our fearless leader brings us the skinny on Avengers #37, and Spider-Correspondent Tony Thornley anniversaries (it’s a word, right?) with Amazing Spider-Man #50! Captain America #24 Though uneven, Captain America #24, like…

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HoX PoX ToX: An Index Of The House Of X & Powers Of X Annotations On Xavier Files & Polygon

House Of X & Powers Of X were amazing, and HoX PoX ToX was annotations of the two-series-that-are-one by Jonathan Hickman, Pepe Larraz, RB Silva and Marte Gracia. They were hosted on Xavier Files until Polygon offered to pay us. It was great, helped relaunch Xavier Files into a real website, all that stuff. But…

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