Zachary Jenkins

Zachary Jenkins co-hosts the podcast Battle of the Atom and is the former editor-in-chief of ComicsXF. Shocking everyone, he has a full and vibrant life outside all this.

The First Avenger and the Savage Avengers Take Center Stage This Week in the Empyre War Report!

Hello friends and readers, Empyre sinks in deep as we cover the highs and lows of this week’s crop of tie-ins. Zack Jenkins has some heavy thoughts about Empyre: Captain America #1 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Ariel Olivetti, Rachelle Rosenberg, and VC’s Ariana Maher and Joe Caramagna. Then we join the extreme team of Conan…

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Indie Triple Play: Chu, Ranger Slayer and Angel & Spike

Here comes the BOOM! … Studios. This week in our indie review roundup, Dan Grote cracks open Image’s Chu #1, Zachary Jenkins looks at Power Rangers: Ranger Slayer #1 and Robert Secundus continues his exploration of the BOOM!-fyverse (TM) with Angel & Spike #12. Chu #1 Writer/Letterer: John Layman, Artist: Dan Boultwood, Publisher: Image Tony…

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Green Slime, Black Goo, and…More Green Slime Actually. It’s Marvel Files with Spider-Woman #2, Venom #26, and Fantastic Four #21

Hello friends and readers, it’s time for a little bit of Marvel Minutiae this week. Our esteemed boss Zack Jenkins is getting into Venom #26 and the start of Venom Beyond, Andrea Ayres ponders over Spider-Woman #2, and Tony Thornley starts off Empyre tie-ins with Fantastic Four #21.  Venom #26 I think it’s fair to…

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Larry Hama Returns To His Most Underrated Creations As Albert & Elsie-Dee Star In 2020 iWolverine #1

Claws come out as Larry Hama returns to writing Albert, the robot Wolverine, in a rip roaring adventure on Madripoor that officially ties into Iron Man 2020 but really couldn’t care less. Roland Boschi and Andres Mossa draw the first part of this duo of issues. Vishal Gullapalli: Iron Man 2020’s in full swing, and…

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How Marvel’s Pandemic Publishing Plan Disproportionately Punished Minority Writers

On March 23, Diamond Comic Distributors halted shipment to comic shops as a response to the mass shutdown stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic. Under the circumstances, this was unavoidable.  However, much has been written about the systemic problems within the comics industry that led to the monopoly Diamond held. This shutdown, and the resulting retooling…

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‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Willow’ #1, ‘No One’s Rose #3,’ & ‘Sonic The Hedgehog’ Annual 2020: Your Indie Triple Play for July 8

This week’s roundup of indie comics reviews has a heavily licensed flavor, as Zachary Jenkins decides, “Why not read Sonic the Hedgehog comics?” and Robert Secundus acquaints himself with BOOM Studios’ “Ultimate Spider-Man”-ified take on the world of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” But first, Rob looks at what Vault Comics’ “No One’s Rose” can teach…

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‘Devil’s Highway,’ ‘Billionaire Island’ & ‘The Plot’: Your indie triple play for July 1

Bam! Pow! Zap! Xavier Files isn’t just for X-Men anymore! In case you missed the memo, the site you love is now covering the wider comics industry. And so this week we have a roundup of reviews from across the indie spectrum, including Benjamin “X-Force” Percy’s latest crime thriller (reviewed by Zachary Jenkins), Mark Russell’s…

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