Battle Of The Atom Rankings

Current Ranking of X-Men Stories

These master rankings are the truth. There is no room for arguments, no room for disagreement. It is the definitive ranking of the X-Universe. This is not a quantitative measurement, there is no cumulative score, and there never will be. Factors such as uniqueness, historical significance, and the ever important how-much-I-want-to-reread-it-test, but the whole is not dependent on the sum of its’ parts. So why don’t you sit back and pick a couple of your favorite stories?

  1. House of X/Powers of X
  2. Uncanny X-Men #129-137 (The Dark Phoenix Saga)
  3. New Mutants #18-20 (The Demon Bear)
  4. Uncanny X-Men #141-142 (Days of Future Past)
  5. God Loves, Man Kills
  6. Asgardian Wars
  7. Wolverine Vol 1
  8. New X-Men #114-116 (E is for Extinction)
  9. X of Swords
  10. Uncanny X-Men #169-170 (Morlocks)
  11. Uncanny X-Men #172-173 (Wolverine’s Wedding)
  12. X-Men #7 (The Crucible)
  13. New X-Men #134-138 (Riot At Xavier’s)
  14. Generation Next
  15. The Jasper’s Warp (Marvel Superheroes #377–388, The Daredevils #1-11, The Mighty World of Marvel Vol. 2 #7-13)
  16. X-Men: Worst X-Man Ever
  17. Messiah CompleX
  18. Uncanny X-Force: The Dark Angel Saga
  19. Uncanny X-Men #183 (The Bar One)
  20. New Mutants #21 (Slumber Party)
  21. Uncanny X-Men #168 (Professor Xavier Is A Jerk)
  22. X-Men #188-193 (Supernovas)
  23. Weapon X (Marvel Comics Presents #72-84)
  24. Uncanny X-Men vol 2 #19 (The Passion Of Scott Summers)
  25. Uncanny X-Men #125-128 (Proteus)
  26. The Mutant Massacre
  27. Magneto #1-3 (Infamous)
  28. Uncanny X-Men #123-124 (Murder World)
  29. Nightcrawler #1-#4 (Cockrum’s Nightcrawler)
  30. X-Factor #24-#26 (Fall of the Mutants)
  31. New X-Men #121 (Silence: Psychic Rescue In Progress)
  32. Uncanny X-Men #205 (Wounded Wolf)
  33. Uncanny X-Men #201 (Duel)
  34. Uncanny X-Men #162-#167 (The Brood Saga)
  35. Uncanny X-Men #198 (Lifedeath II)
  36. Sabretooth v4 #1-5 (LaValle)
  37. Uncanny X-Men #105, #107-108 (Phoenix Saga)
  38. Domino v2
  39. Uncanny X-Men #98-100 (The Sentinels Are Back)
  40. What If? Magik
  41. X-Men: Alpha/Omega (Age Of Apocalypse)
  42. Uncanny X-Men #174-175
  43. Uncanny X-Men #186 (Lifedeath)
  44. The Trial Of Magento (Uncanny X-Men #200) 
  45. Havok & Wolverine: Meltdown
  46. Generation X Vol 1 #1-#3
  47. Wolverine & the X-Men #17 (That Doop One-Shot)
  48. New Mutants: Dead Souls
  49. Age Of X-Man: Prisoner X
  50. X-Men Grand Design
  51. X-Force #116-#119 (1st X-Statix)
  52. Inferno (New Mutants)
  53. Excalibur: The Sword Is Drawn
  54. X-Terminators Vol. 2
  55. Cable #155-#159 (Past Fears)
  56. All-New X-Men #1-5 (Yesterday’s X-Men)
  57. X-Men: Legacy #19-24 (For We Are Many)
  58. Magento: Testament
  59. Chamber #1-4
  60. New X-Men #127
  61. Marvels #2
  62. The Uncanny X-Men And The New Teen Titans
  63. All-New X-Men v1 #9-14 (The Arc With The Good Speech)
  64. X-Club #1-#4
  65. Astonishing X-Men #1-#6 (Gifted)
  66. Astonishing X-Men #13-18 (Torn)
  67. X-Men Legacy #300
  68. Uncanny Avengers #18-#22 (Avenge the Earth)
  69. Astonishing X-Men #7-#12 (Dangerous)
  70. X-Men Vol 2 #1-#3 (Mutant Genesis)
  71. Rogue & Gambit
  72. X-Factor #65-68 (Endgame)
  73. E is For Extinction #1-4
  74. Multiple Man
  75. Astonishing X-Men (AoA)
  76. Storm & Illyana: Magik
  77. Excalibur #41-47 (The Righteous Return Of You Know Who)
  78. Wolverine #35-37 (Blood & Claws)
  79. Fantastic Four Vs X-Men
  80. Iron Fist #15 (Enter, the X-Men)
  81. New X-Men Annual 2001 (The Man From Room X)
  82. SWORD Vol 2 #1-5
  83. X-Men #4 (Global Economics)
  84. Astonishing X-Men #62-65 (Dark Iceman)
  85. Runaways vol 5 #33-35 (Come Away with Me)
  86. Morlocks #1-#4
  87. X-Factor Vol 2
  88. X-Men: Season One
  89. X-Men: Red
  90. X-Men Legacy #208-210 (From Genesis to Revelations)
  91. X-Men ’92 (Battleworld)
  92. What If… Wolverine Was Lord of the Vampires? (What If… #24)
  93. Uncanny X-Men #235-238 (Welcome To Genosha)
  94. Inferno (X-Men & X-Factor)
  95. X-Men ’92 #1-#4 The World is a Vampire
  96. Uncanny X-Men Vol 2 #14-17 (AvX Sinister)
  97. Uncanny X-Force #25-35 (Final Execution)
  98. X-Factor #87 (X-Aminations)
  99. New X-Men #146-150 (Planet X)
  100. New Mutants #26-28 (Legion)
  101. Wolverine: The Jungle Adventure
  102. Marvel Fanfare #40 (Angel/Mystique)
  103. Uncanny X-Men #117 (Psi-War)
  104. The Mighty Thor #15-19 (Asgard/Shi’ar War)
  105. Age Of X-Man: NextGen
  106. Wolverine #48-50 (The Shiva Scenario)
  107. Ultimate X-Men #16-19 (World Tour)
  108. X-Factor vol 3 #1-#6 (The Longest Night)
  109. Giant-Size X-Men #1
  110. Cable vol 3 #7-#10 (Waiting on the End of the World)
  111. X-Men/Alpha Flight
  112. Fallen Angels
  113. New Mutants vol 4 #1-2, 5, 7 (Hickman)
  114. Uncanny X-Men #314 (Early Frost)
  115. Uncanny X-Men #184-185 (Depowering Storm)
  116. X-Men Black: Emma Frost
  117. X-Men v5 #10-11 (Empyre)
  118. X-Force #6,#9-10 (Terra Verde)
  119. Uncanny X-Men vol 2 #1-3 (Everything Is Sinister)
  120. Marauders #1-12, #16
  121. Further Adventures of Cyclops & Phoenix
  122. Hellions #1-4
  123. Wolverine/Doop
  124. X-Cutioner’s Song
  125. Cable #65-68 (Signs of the End Times)
  126. Cable #48-53 (Hellfire Hunt)
  127. Captain Britain #10-14
  128. X-Force #19-24 (Assault on Greymalkin)
  129. Marvel Two-In-One Annual #7
  130. Empyre: X-Men
  131. Cable #59-62 (Nemesis Contract)
  132. X-Men #18-#19 vol 5 (The Vault)
  133. X-Force vol 3 #1-6 (Angels and Demons)
  134. Uncanny X-Men #111-113 (Magneto Triumphant)
  135. Messiah War
  136. X-Men Collector’s Edition #1-4 (Pizza Hut X-Men)
  137. Excalibur: Mojo Mayhem
  138. X-Force #124-129
  139. Marvel Team-Up #150 (X-Men) 
  140. Uncanny X-Men #171 (Welcome To The X-Men Rogue)
  141. Resurrection of Magneto
  142. Captain Britain #5-9 (Double Game)
  143. X-Men: Second Coming
  144. New Mutants #15-22 (Fall & Rise Of The New Mutants)
  145. Uncanny X-Men v3 #5-7 (Limbo)
  146. Uncanny X-Men #176
  147. Wolverine #38-43, 45-46 (Albert & Elsie Dee)
  148. Ultimate X-Men #1-#6 The Tomorrow People
  149. Marvel Comics Presents #85-92 (Blood Hungry)
  150. New X-Men #28-31 (Nimrod)
  151. Uncanny X-Men #244 (Ladies Night)
  152. Uncanny X-Men #309 (Xavier & Voight) 
  153. X-Men Vol. 2 #30
  154. X-Men vol 6 #15-17 (Forge in The Vault)
  155. Giant-Size X-Men (Hickman)
  156. Excalibur #61 (Truth and Consequence)
  157. X-Men v2 #24
  158. Cable v4 #1-4
  159. Howard the Duck vol 6 #8-#11
  160. X-Factor #27 (Gifts!)
  161. Generation X #22 (Halloween)
  162. All-New X-Men #37
  163. The X-Men in: Life Lessons
  164. War of Kings
  165. Necrosha
  166. X-Factor vol 1 #71-#75 (Nasty Boys)
  167. Uncanny X-Men #466-468 (End of Greys)
  168. X-Terminators
  169. Uncanny X-Men #256-#258 (Acts of Vengence)
  170. Captain America #367 (Acts of Vengeance)
  171. Runaways vol 4
  172. Age Of X-Men: X-Tremists
  173. Amazing X-Men (AoA)
  174. Astonishing Spider-Man & Wolverine
  175. New X-Men #139-141 (Murder At The Mansion)
  176. Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 #1-4 (Revolution)
  177. Age of X-Man: Marvelous X-Men
  178. X-Men #200-203 (Blinded by the Light)
  179. Merry X-Men Holiday Special
  180. Cable #22 (The Sad Airport Issue)
  181. Generation X #18-19 (For the Sake of the Children)
  182. All-New Doop
  183. Generation X #4 (Between The Cracks)
  184. All-New Wolverine #7
  185. Power Pack #36 (Master Mold)
  186. All-New Wolverine: Four Sisters
  187. House of M
  188. X-Men #8 (Unus)
  189. Adventures of Cyclops & Phoenix
  190. Deadpool vol 5 #15-19 (The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly)
  191. X-Men #28 (Devil In The House)
  192. Gambit & The X-Ternals
  193. Uncanny X-Men #143 (Demon)
  194. What If vol 2 #32-33 (Phoenix)
  195. All-New Wolverine Annual #1
  196. Marvel Holiday Special 1991 (A Miracle a Few Blocks Down From 34th Street)
  197. Uncanny X-Men #225-#227 (Fall of the Mutants)
  198. Uncanny X-Men #193 (Warpath)
  199. Uncanny X-Men #94-95 (The Doomsith Scenario)
  200. SWORD Vol 1
  201. Age Of X
  202. New X-Men #131 (Beak/Angel) 
  203. Uncanny X-Men #101-103 (The Leprechauns of Cassidy Keep)
  204. Avengers World #17
  205. The Last Will And Testament of Charles Xavier (Uncanny X-Men vol 3 #23-31)
  206. Wolverine: Snikt!
  207. New X-Men #142-145 (Assault On Weapon Plus)
  208. X-Change Students 101 (Marvel Avengers Assembly #3)
  209. Avengers Vs X-Men: Consequences
  210. Generation X #8-9, #85-87 (Survival Of The Fittest)
  211. X-Factor Vol 4 #1-3, 5
  212. Uncanny X-Men #153 (Kitty’s Fairy Tale)
  213. Uncanny X-Men #120-121 (Wanted: Wolverine! Dead or Alive!)
  214. Uncanny X-Men #122 (Cry For The Children!)
  215. X-Men Black: Apocalypse
  216. Cable: Blood & Metal
  217. New Mutants Summer Special 1990
  218. Marvels Epilogue
  219. X-23 Vol 3 #10-12 (Touching Darkness)
  220. Uncanny Avengers #18-#23 (Red Skull)
  221. X-23 Vol 4 #1-5 (Two Birthdays and Three Funerals)
  222. Cable #-1
  223. Amazing X-Men #1-#5 (The Quest for Nightcrawler)
  224. Avengers Vs X-Men #0-12
  225. Jean Grey #8-11 (Psych Wars)
  226. Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur #17
  227. eXtermination
  228. Giant-Sized Little Marvel: AvX
  229. Uncanny X-Men #273-#277 (Savage Land/Shi’ar)
  230. Battle of the Atom
  231. All-New Wolverine: Enemy Of The State II
  232. Uncanny X-Men #97 (My Brother, My Enemy)
  233. Uncanny X-Men #139-140 (Wendigo)
  234. New Mutants #65-66 (Magik V Forge)
  235. Uncanny X-Men vol 3 #14 (Morph)
  236. Wolverine & the X-Men #5-#7 (Preggo Brood)
  237. Excalibur #12-13 (“My Friends Call Me ‘Billy the Kid’!” “The Marriage of True Minds”)
  238. Uncanny X-Men #159 (That Dracula One)
  239. Generation X Underground Special
  240. Uncanny X-Men #217-218 (Dazzler v Juggernaut)
  241. Astonishing Tales Mojoworld
  242. X-Men #4-7 (Omega Red)
  243. Web of Spider-Man Annual #2 (Wake Me Up I Gotta Be Dreaming)
  244. X-Men Legacy #231-233 (Necrosha)
  245. New X-Men #37-41 (The Quest For Magik)
  246. X-Force vol 4 #11-15 (Us Vs. Them)
  247. Uncanny X-Men Annual & All-New X-Men Annual (The Secret Life of Eva Bell)
  248. Uncanny X-Men #246-247 (Master Mold)
  249. X-Factor #8-9 (Pre-Mutant Massacre)
  250. X-Force #1-2 (A Force To Be Reckoned With)
  251. X-Factor vol 3 #16 (No Dominion)
  252. Wolverine & The X-Men vol 1 #1-3
  253. Magik v2
  254. Uncanny X-Men Vol. 3 #8-11 (Broken)
  255. X-Men: The Manga Vol. 1 #15-16 (Colossus)
  256. Uncanny X-Men Vol. 3 #17-18
  257. Cable #54 (Jungle Action)
  258. X-Men #77-78 (Psi-War)
  259. Uncanny X-Men Vol. 3 #19-22 (VS S.H.I.E.L.D.)
  260. X-Men: Blue #16-#20 (Cross Time Capers)
  261. Extraordinary X-Men #17
  262. X-Infernus
  263. Arms Of The Octopus
  264. X-Men: First Class #11 (The Continuiteens)
  265. New Mutants Annual #1
  266. X-Force #75 (Burning Man)
  267. New X-Men #33-36 (Mercury Falling)
  268. Amazing Spider-Man #92
  269. Power Pack #19 (Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?)
  270. Uncanny X-Men Vol #192 (Fun ‘n’ Games)
  271. Uncanny X-Force #24
  272. Classic X-Men #35 (Paper, Not Paper)
  273. X-Men Annual #4 (Nightcrawler’s Inferno)
  274. X-Men Legacy #10-12 (Invasive Exotics)
  275. Uncanny X-Men #230 (Twas The Night Before)
  276. Uncanny X-Men #245 (Men!)
  277. Rogue
  278. New X-Men #20-27 (Childhood’s End/Crusade)
  279. Shatterstar
  280. Cable And X-Force #1-5 (Wanted)
  281. Uncanny X-Men Vol 2 #18 (AvX)
  282. Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 #35 (That Goldballs Issue)
  283. X-Men ’92 #6-10 (Lilapalooza)
  284. X-Men #75 (Anatomy Of A Monster)
  285. X-Men: The Manga #1-4
  286. X-Men Vs. The Agents Of Atlas
  287. What If… The X-Men Had Stayed In Asgard? (What If…#12)
  288. Phalanx Covenant: Generation Next
  289. Mr & Mrs X #1-5 (Love & Marriage)
  290. Bishop
  291. Uncanny X-Men #268 (Madripoor Knights)
  292. Uncanny X-Men #182 (Madness)
  293. New Mutants #42 (Sam + Lila)
  294. X-Men/Power Pack
  295. X-Factor #16 (Skids Backstory)
  296. Wolverine/Power Pack
  297. Uncanny Spider-Man & X-Men: Blue Origins
  298. X-Men: Endangered Species
  299. Uncanny X-Men #231 (Colossus Pretends To Be A Ghost)
  300. Kitty Pryde & Wolverine
  301. Uncanny X-Men #232-234 (Earthfall)
  302. Weapon X (Age Of Apocalypse)
  303. All-New Wolverine: Orphans Of X
  304. Hellions #9-11 (Funny Games)
  305. Amazing Spider-Man #229-230 (Nothing Can Stop the Juggernaut)
  306. X-Men #70 (Homecoming)
  307. Generation X vol 2 #5
  308. Power Pack #20 (Mini-Inferno)
  309. All-New Wolverine #33-35 (Old Woman Laura)
  310. X-Force #31 (Syrin, Black Tom, Juggs)
  311. Excalibur (2019) #20 (Malice)
  312. Ultimate Comics: X-Men #29-33 (World War X)
  313. Cyclops (2010) #1
  314. Age of Apocalypse #1-4 & Uncanny X-Force 19.1 (Exterminated)
  315. New Mutants #37 (If I Should Die)
  316. X-Force #87-90 (Armageddon Now)
  317. X-Force #71-74 (Road Trip)
  318. Inferno (Battleworld)
  319. The Trial Of Jean Grey
  320. X-Men Unlimited v3 #62-67 (A World Without X)
  321. Cyclops vol 3 #1-5
  322. Ultimate X-Men #26-33 (Return Of The King)
  323. Extraordinary X-Men #13-16 (Kingdoms Fall)
  324. Marvel Knights: X-Men
  325. Excalibur #51 (Don’t Drink The Water)
  326. Magneto: Dark Seduction
  327. Alias #16-21 (The Underneath)
  328. Generation X #1-2 (ResurrXion)
  329. New Mutants Annual #2 (Wildways)
  330. Wolverine & The X-Men Annual #1
  331. Factor X
  332. Uncanny X-Men #353-355 (Sauron)
  333. Wolverine & the X-Men #30-35 (The Hellfire Saga)
  334. X-Men: Gold #12, #16-20 (Negative Zone War)
  335. X-Men/Spider-Man
  336. Phoenix Resurrection: The Return of Jean Grey
  337. Excalibur #91 (The Bar One)
  338. Uncanny X-Men #15.INH (Girls Night Out)
  339. Uncanny X-Men #194 (Juggernaut’s Back In Town)
  340. X-Calibre
  341. Uncanny X-Men Annual #18
  342. Ms Marvel #6-7 (Healing Factor)
  343. X-Men Gold #30
  344. Dead Man Logan
  345. Exiles #1 & #2
  346. Fatal Attractions
  347. X-Men #12-#13 (1st Juggernaut)
  348. Uncanny X-Men #104 (The Gentleman’s Name Is Magneto)
  349. Marvel Fanfare #7 (Blob & Unus Vs Hulk)
  350. Power Pack #11-12 (Morlocks)
  351. New Mutants #38-40 (Aftermath)
  352. Ghost Rider/Wolverine/Punisher: Hearts Of Darkness
  353. Web of Venom: Ve’Nam
  354. Captain America #402-408 (Man And Wolf)
  355. X-Men #197-199 (Red Data)
  356. Uncanny X-Men #540-543 (Fear Itself)
  357. Longshot Saves The Marvel Universe
  358. Cable #64 (Twas The Night Before Dying)
  359. Ultimate Comics: Hawkeye
  360. Uncanny X-Men Annual 2019
  361. Uncanny X-Men #195 (It Was a Dark and Stormy Night…!)
  362. Ultimate Spider-Man #66-#67 (Jump The Shark)
  363. X-Statix #13-18 (Back From The Dead)
  364. Spider-Man & The X-Men #1-#2 (Dinosaurs)
  365. X-Men/Ghost Rider: Brood Trouble in the Big Easy
  366. Generations: Phoenix & Jean Grey
  367. Deadpool Vs Old Man Logan
  368. Ultimate Comics: X
  369. Uncanny X-Men vol 5 #1-10 (Disassembled)
  370. Old Man Logan #39-40 (Glob Loves, Man Kills)
  371. Spider-Man #8-12 (Perceptions)
  372. Captain America #170-175 (Secret Empire)
  373. Uncanny X-Men #160 (Chutes and Ladders)
  374. Wolverine #1-3 (The Black Blade)
  375. New Mutants #53-54 (Scavenger Hunt)
  376. Old Man Logan vol 2 #1-4 (Bezerker)
  377. Marvel Team-Up #149 (Cannonball)
  378. Excalibur #6-8 (Inferno)
  379. Generation X v2 #6-7 (Auction)
  380. Gambit vol 1
  381. Astonishing X-Men (Unstoppable)
  382. X-Men Annual #1 (2007)
  383. X-Factor 200-202 (The Invisible Woman Has Vanished!)
  384. X-Men Origins: Jean Grey #1
  385. Uncanny X-Men #60-63 (Neal Adam’s Savage Land)
  386. Secret Warriors vol 2 #8-12 (We Esteem Too Lightly)
  387. Deadpool: The Circle Chase
  388. X-Fore #44 (Enter The Purple Era)
  389. Uncanny X-Men #391 (Dad)
  390. X-Men #39 (Adam-X the X-Treme Goes Camping)
  391. X-Men: To Protect And To Serve
  392. Wolverine #17-23 (Cocaine)
  393. Old Man Logan (Millar/McNiven)
  394. Longshot
  395. Madrox
  396. Legion Quest
  397. Champions #12
  398. New X-Men #151-154 (Here Comes Tomorrow)
  399. Uncanny X-Men #148-150 (I, Magneto…)
  400. Uncanny X-Men #251-252 (Fever Dream)
  401. Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 #249-250 (Polaris & Zaladane)
  402. Uncanny X-Men #600 (Trial of Hank McCoy)
  403. New X-Men #117-120 (Germ Free Generation)
  404. X-Men #49-52 (Polaris 1st App)
  405. Bizarre Adventure #27
  406. Dark Web X-Men
  407. X-Men: The Exterminated
  408. Wolverine Noir
  409. X-Force #-1
  410. Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #1
  411. Uncanny X-Men #114-116 (To Save the Savage Land)
  412. US Avengers #10-12
  413. Uncanny X-Men #109
  414. Marvel Comics Presents #109-116 (Typhoid’s Kiss)
  415. X-Force vol 6 #17-20 (Omega)
  416. ROM SpaceKnight #31-32 (Hybrid II)
  417. Uncanny X-Men #504-507 (Lovelorn)
  418. All-New X-Factor #3-4 (Stolen Island)
  419. Marvel Team-Up #100 (Karma, Storm & Black Panther) 
  420. X-Men Legacy #13-14 (Hope & Glory)
  421. X-Factor #229-232 (They Keep Killing Madrox)
  422. X-Men Black: Mojo #1
  423. X-Men: Legacy #1-6 (Prodigal)
  424. Uncanny X-Men #300
  425. Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 #33
  426. Uncanny X-Men #204 (What Happened to Nightcrawler?)
  427. Uncanny X-Men #158 (The Life That Late I Led…)
  428. X-23 #17-19 (Misadventures In Babysitting)
  429. Marvel Holiday Special ‘94
  430. Uncanny X-Men #287-290
  431. New Mutants #6-8 (Necrosha)
  432. X-Men #31-32 (Soul Possessions)
  433. X-Men vol 2 #27 (A Song of Mourning a Cry of Joy)
  434. X-Men 2099 #16-20 (Halloween Jack)
  435. Domino vol3 #1-6
  436. All-New X-Men #31-36 (Meet Miles)
  437. Deadpool #36-39 (AXIS)
  438. Astonishing X-Men 13-17 (Until Our Hearts Stop)
  439. Uncanny X-Men #515-522 (Nation X)
  440. X-Factor 17-20 (X-Cell)
  441. X-Men Annual #3 (Storm V Shinobi)
  442. Wolverine & The X-Men #37-39
  443. New Mutants: Truth or Death
  444. X-Factor #207-213 (Happenings in Vegas)
  445. Special Edition X-Men #1 (Back-Up)
  446. Amazing X-Men #13 (Charm School)
  447. Exiles vol 2 #1-#6 (The Jeff Parker Exiles)
  448. Uncanny X-Men #179 (What Happened To Kitty?)
  449. Marvel Comics Presents #10-17 (Colossus: God’s Country)
  450. X-Men 2099: Oasis
  451. X-Men #194-196 (Primary Infection)
  452. Ghost Rider/Wolverine: Weapons Of Vengeance
  453. Dark X-Men vol 2
  454. Uncanny X-Men #345, 347-350 (First Maggott & Trial of Gambit)
  455. X-Men 2099 #21-25 (2099 A.D. [After Doom])
  456. Uncanny X-Men #154-157 (Sidrian Hunters & Starjammers)
  457. Amazing Nightcrawler
  458. Spider-Man & The X-Men #4-5 (Venom Brood)
  459. Generation X Holiday Special
  460. Uncanny X-Men #341-344 (Cannonball Fights Gladiator And Then Some Space Stuff)
  461. New X-Men #132 (Ambient Magnetic Fields)
  462. X-Men 2099 #8-11 (Zhao)
  463. New X-Men #122-126 (Imperial)
  464. Savage Avengers #1-5 (The City Of Sickles)
  465. Weapon X #17-21 (Sabretooth In Charge)
  466. Exiles Vol 3 #1-5 
  467. Weapon Plus: World War IV #1
  468. X-Men: Curse of the Mutants – Smoke & Blood
  469. X-Men 2099 #1-3 (The Gathering)
  470. Secret Avengers #16
  471. Dark Reign: The List – Wolverine #1
  472. X-Men Legacy 248-249 (Age Of X Aftermath)
  473. Nightcrawler #8-12 (Bloody Bess + Shadow King)
  474. Maximum Security: Dangerous Planet & Uncanny X-Men #387
  475. Spider-Man 2099: Exodus #5 (X-Men 2099)
  476. X-Men 2099 #26-29 (City Of The Dead)
  477. Doom 2099 #19-21
  478. X-Men Gold (2013)
  479. Phalanx Covenant: Final Sanction
  480. Magneto #9-12 (AXIS)
  481. Wolverine & the X-Men Vol 1 #29 (Key to the Future)
  482. Schism
  483. Marvel Fanfare #1-4 (Savage Land)
  484. Astonishing X-Men #48-56
  485. Excalibur #62-65 (Return of the Warpies)
  486. X-Men #118-119 (The Submergence of Japan)
  487. X-Men #42-44 (Fall of Avalon)
  488. X-Men: Evolution #1-6
  489. X-Men #54-59 (1st Havok, 2nd Sentinels)
  490. Cable #97-100
  491. New X-Men: Hellions
  492. New Avengers #16-20 (The Collective)
  493. Uncanny X-Men Annual ’95
  494. Generation Hope #10-12 (Schism)
  495. X-Force #49-50 (Cable Vs X-Force)
  496. Generation X #8-9 (What Happened to Cassidy Keep?!)
  497. Uncanny X-Men #326
  498. A+X #5 (Iron Fist + Doop & Loki + Sinister)
  499. Generation X #10-11 (Death Wail)
  500. Generation X #24 (Home for the Holidays)
  501. Uncanny X-Men #530-535 (Quarantine)
  502. X-Factor #103-105 (Malice)
  503. The 198
  504. Uncanny X-Men #206 (Freedom Is A Four Letter Word)
  505. Uncanny X-Men #151-152 (The Hellfire Gambit)
  506. Wolverine vol 3 #6 (The Bar One)
  507. Uncanny X-Men #138 (Elegy)
  508. Vision and the Scarlet Witch #6
  509. X-Men #1
  510. X-Factor #258 (The End Of X-Factor: Wolfsbane)
  511. Astonishing X-Men #44-#47 (Exalted)
  512. Uncanny X-Men #284-286 (Into The Void)
  513. X-Factor Forever
  514. Deadpool vol 2
  515. X-Men: The Last Stand Collectors Edition DVD Movie w/ Comic Book
  516. Ghost Rider v3 #9 (X-Factor)
  517. Uncanny X-Men #535-538 (Breaking Point)
  518. Cable & Deadpool #7-10 (The Burnt Offering)
  519. X-Men #17-19 (Skinning Of Souls)
  520. Wolverine #133-138 (Great Escape)
  521. X-Babies
  522. Uncanny X-Men #142 (Man-Thing)
  523. Generation Hope #13-17
  524. Ultimate Wolverine Vs Hulk
  525. Excalibur Vol. 3 #5-7 (Food Fight)
  526. New Excalibur #6-7 (So Why Is It I’m Not Dead?!)
  527. The X-Men Vs The Avengers #1-4
  528. X-Men: Evolution #9 (House Party)
  529. New Excalibur #1-3 (Here We Go Again!)
  530. X-Men vol 2 #20-#23 (Kwannon)
  531. Uncanny X-Men #328 & Sabretooth Special #1
  532. Marauders #20 (Windriders)
  533. Nightcrawler vol 4 #1-4
  534. X-Men Unlimited #1
  535. X-Force vol 3 #7-10 (Old Ghosts)
  536. The Hunt For Xavier (Uncanny X-Men #362-364 & X-Men #82-84)
  537. Amazing Spider-Man #161-162 (Spider-Man/Nightcrawler/Punisher)
  538. X-Men: Kingbreaker
  539. X-Men #48 (Beware Computo, Commander of the Robot Hive!)
  540. Spider-Man vs Wolverine
  541. Storm vol 3 #3 (Lifedeath 3)
  542. New X-Men #1-6 (Choosing Sides)
  543. Uncanny X-Men #360 & X-Men #80 (Children Of The Atom)
  544. X-Tinction Agenda
  545. ROM #17-18 (Hybrid!)
  546. Punisher: War Journal #6-7
  547. Man-Thing #11
  548. Captain Britain & The MI:13 #1-4 
  549. Savage Wolverine #6-8 (Hands On A Dead Body)
  550. X-Men: Pixie Strikes Back
  551. X-Campus
  552. Saga of Crystar, Crystal Warrior #6 (Demon)
  553. Savage Wolverine #12-13 (Come Conquer the Beasts)
  554. Uncanny X-Men #390 (The Cure)
  555. Uncanny X-Men #281-283 (Bishop’s Crossing)
  556. Dazzler #22-24 (Sisterhood)
  557. Exiles #62-65 (Timebreakers)
  558. Marvel Team-Up #89 (Spider-Man/Nightcrawler)
  559. New Mutants Annual #3
  560. X-23 #4-7 (Songs of the Orphan Child)
  561. Runaways vol 2 #9-12 (East Coast/West Coast)
  562. 2020 iWolverine
  563. Ghost Rider/Wolverine/Punisher: The Dark Design 
  564. Gambit vol 5 #9-12 (Tombstone Blues)
  565. Hunt for Wolverine: Mystery in Madripoor
  566. Wolverine #10-14 (Wolverine’s Revenge)
  567. W.M.D.: Weapons Of Mutant Destruction
  568. Excalibur #31-34 (Girls School From Heck)
  569. Ultimate X-Men #40-45 (New Mutants)
  570. X-Men First Class Vol 2 #1 (The Job Shadow)
  571. Spider-Man/Deadpool #23-25 (Arms Race)
  572. Mutant X #1-3
  573. Chaos War: X-Men (Dead X-Men)
  574. Generation Hope #1-4 (The Future Is A Four Letter Word)
  575. X-Force #83-84 (Homefront)
  576. X-Treme X-Men Vol 2 #1-3 (Xavier Must Die!)
  577. X-Force #99-100 (Dark Cathedral)
  578. X-Men Vol 4 #1-3 (Primer)
  579. District X #1-6 (Mr. M)
  580. All-New X-Men #25
  581. X-Men: Age of Apocalypse (2005)
  582. All-New X-Men vol 2 #17 (IvX)
  583. Uncanny X-Men #303 (Going Through The Motions)
  584. Death Of X
  585. New Mutants #47-50 (Magus)
  586. Mr & Mrs X #7-10
  587. Generation Hex
  588. X-Force: Sex & Violence
  589. Uncanny X-Men #495-499 (Divided We Stand)
  590. Uncanny X-Men #207-209 (Ghosts)
  591. Uncanny X-Force: Otherworld
  592. Marvel Comics Presents #117-122 (Claws & Webs)
  593. New Mutants #33-36 (Diskhord)
  594. New Mutants Vol 3 #37 (Magma/Mephisto Date)
  595. Runaways vol 3 #10 (Mollifest Destiny)
  596. War Of The Realms: Uncanny X-Men
  597. Daredevil #196-199 (Lord Dark Wind)
  598. Uncanny X-Men #401-406 (X-Corps)
  599. Cyclops vol 1
  600. Psylocke
  601. Generation X #60-61 (Christmas Fear)
  602. Extraordinary X-Men: Apocalypse War
  603. Uncanny X-Men vol 4 #1-5 (Survival Of The Fittest)
  604. What If #43 (What If Wolverine Married Mariko?)
  605. Wolverine & the X-Men #14 (Kitty/PhoenixPiotr Date)
  606. Wolverine: Global Jeopardy
  607. Lightning Comics #6
  608. Ororo: Before The Storm
  609. Daken: Dark Wolverine #13-15 (Moonwalking)
  610. A+X #13-18 (Captain America + Cyclops)
  611. Generation X #62 (Monet Vampire Hunter)
  612. Uncanny X-Men #215-216 (Old Soldiers)
  613. Uncanny X-Men #262-263
  614. X-Men: Legacy Annual #1, #228-230 (Devil at the Crossroads)
  615. X-Treme X-Men X-Pose
  616. X-Men: Deadly Genesis
  617. X-Factor #145-149
  618. First X-Men
  619. X-Men: No More Humans OGN
  620. X-Men Vol 2 #10-#11 (Jim Lee Mojo)
  621. Ultimate X-Men #46-49 (The Tempest)
  622. X-Force #29-30 (Adam-X The X-Treme Is Back… And Things Have Never Been Deadlier)
  623. Uncanny X-Men #319, #322 – 325, & X-Men #45 (Gene Nation + Rogue & Iceman)
  624. What If? Deadly Genesis
  625. Uncanny X-Men #265-267 (First Gambit)
  626. Spider-Woman #37-38
  627. Avengers #102-104 (The Sentinels Are Alive and Well!)
  628. Storm vol 2
  629. Daydreamers
  630. Iceman vol 3 #1-5 (Thawing Out)
  631. Dazzler #13 (Jail)
  632. X-Men: Regenesis
  633. X-Men: Legacy #251-253 (Lost Legions)
  634. Extraordinary X-Men #1-5
  635. X-Men #65-69 (Operation: Zero Tolerance)
  636. New Mutants #15-17 (Hellions)
  637. X-Men #4-5 (The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants)
  638. New Mutants #1-4
  639. Giant-Size Fantastic Four #4 (Madrox the Multiple Man)
  640. X-Men vol. 4 #23-26 (The Burning World)
  641. Generation X #55-56 (UXM 281 Redux)
  642. What If vol 2 #77 (Legion Killed Magneto)
  643. Rise & Fall of the Shi’Ar Empire
  644. Uncanny X-Men #365 (Ghost of X-Mas Past)
  645. Uncanny X-Men #455-459 (Dino Rachel)
  646. X-Force and Cable Annual ’95
  647. X-Men: Colossus Bloodline
  648. The Hunt For Wolverine: Weapon Lost (The Hunt For Wolverine, Weapon Lost, & Dead Ends)
  649. Cable #26-28 (The Long Way)
  650. X-Force Annual #2 (First Adam-X)
  651. New Mutants #98-100 (The Beginning of the End)
  652. Shattershot
  653. Deadpool: Bad Blood
  654. Marvel Zombies Halloween #1
  655. X-Man #30 (Operation: Zero Tolerance)
  656. Dazzler #9-11 (Herald of Galactus)
  657. X-Force #63-64 (The Haunting of Castle Doom)
  658. Uncanny X-Men First Class #8 (The Curse of Craeliach)
  659. Cable #16-20 (Bishop Takes Pawn)
  660. Amazing Adventures #11-16
  661. Uncanny X-Men #202-203 (Secret Wars II)
  662. Wolverine #20-31 (Enemy Of The State)
  663. Uncanny X-Men #254-255 (Muir Island X-Men)
  664. X-Men vol 2 #165 (Christmas)
  665. What If vol 2 #13 (Professor X was the Juggernaut)
  666. Firestar
  667. Weapon X – The Draft: Sauron #1
  668. Avengers World #9
  669. Generation X #53-54 (Big Trouble in Madripoor)
  670. Astonishing X-Men #25-30 (Ghost Box)
  671. X-23/Daken: Dark Wolverine: Collision
  672. Ultimate X-Men #66-68 (Date Night)
  673. Dazzler #27-28 (Vendetta!)
  674. Marvel Team-Up #69-70 (Havok, Thor)
  675. Uncanny X-Men Vol. 2 #5-8 (Tabula Rasa)
  676. Cataclysm Ultimate X-Men
  677. Wolverine & Jubilee
  678. New Warriors #31 (Who Mourns The Hellions)
  679. Uncanny X-Men #526-529 (Five Lights)
  680. Emperor Vulcan
  681. Stan Lee Presents: X-Men: The End: Book Three: Men and X-Men
  682. Ultimate Comics: X-Men #1-12
  683. The Muir Island Saga
  684. X-Men vol 3 #1-6 (Curse Of The Mutants)
  685. X-Men #65-66 (Z’Nox)
  686. Astonishing X-Men #1-6 (Life Of X)
  687. X-Corp #1-5
  688. Uncanny X-Men #110 (Warhawk)
  689. Uncanny X-Men v2 Annual #3, Steve Rogers: Super Soldier Annual #1, Namor: The First Mutant Annual #1 (Escape from the Negative Zone)
  690. X-Men/Avengers: Bloodties
  691. Excalibur #96-100 (London Hellfire Club)
  692. X-Factor #43-46, #48-50 (Judgement War)
  693. Uncanny X-Men #414 (Fall Down, Go Boom)
  694. Exiles #38-40 (King Hyperion)
  695. Exiles #43-45 (A Blink In Time)
  696. What If vol 2 #46-47 (Cable Killed the X-Men/Magneto Took Over The USA)
  697. Incredible Hulk #180-181 (And Now… the Wolverine!)
  698. X-Men vol 2 #109 (Christmas)
  699. Dazzler #21 (Carnegie Hall) 
  700. Ms Marvel (vol 2) #9-10
  701. Marvel Comics Presents #17-24 (Cyclops: Retribution)
  702. Dazzler #38 (Vs The X-Men)
  703. New Mutants #36 (Subway To Salvation)
  704. Life And Times Of Lucas Bishop
  705. NYX: No Way Home
  706. New Mutants Vol 3 #1-4 (Return of the Legion)
  707. Marvel Holiday Special 2007 (Piece of Cake)
  708. A-Force Vol 2 #5-7 (Dazzler Thor)
  709. Generation M
  710. X-Factor #259 (Daddyboros)
  711. Uncanny X-Men #11-16 (This Is Forever)
  712. Ultimate Comics: X-Men #13-18 (Divided We Fall/United We Stand)
  713. Strong Guy Reborn #1
  714. All-New X-Men #4-7 (Paris)
  715. X-Force Annual #3
  716. Weapon X #22-27 (Weapon X Force)
  717. Amazing X-Men #8-12 (World War Wendigo)
  718. X-Men Vs The Brood
  719. New Mutants #77-80 and #82-85 (Back to Asgard)
  720. Gambit v3 #22-24 (New Son)
  721. X-Factor vol 1 #110-111 (Lila + Guido)
  722. Uncanny X-Men Annual #8 (The Adventures of Lockheed the Space Dragon and His Pet Girl Kitty)
  723. Alpha Flight #106
  724. X-Men: The Wedding Album
  725. X-Factor #237-239
  726. Deadpool Max vol 1 #4
  727. Family Ties Unpublished Inventory Issue
  728. X-Men Vol 4 #18-22 (Exogenous)
  729. X-Factor/She-Hulk: Secret Invasion 
  730. X-Men vol 3 #16-19 (Betrayal In The Bermuda Triangle)
  731. X-Men Legacy #269-270 (AVX Rogue vs Carol)
  732. X-Men: Second Coming: Revelations: Hellbound
  733. Exiles #90-94 (Enemy of the Stars)
  734. X-Men: Blind Science
  735. Exiled (New Mutants/JiM)
  736. Uncanny X-Force vol 2 #1-6 (Let It Bleed)
  737. X-Man #1-4 (Age Of Apocalypse)
  738. Deadpool vol 4 #15-18 (Want You To Want Me)
  739. Defenders #15-16 
  740. Champions vol 3 #5 (War Of The Realms)
  741. Exiles #8-10
  742. Extraordinary X-Men #4-5 (Weirdworld)
  743. Gambit: From The Marvel Vault
  744. New Mutants vol 3 #5
  745. X-Men #12-13 (Hazard)
  746. X-Men: The Search For Cyclops
  747. Exiles #100
  748. New Mutants #62 (Magma & Empath)
  749. Marvel Team-Up v3 #19
  750. Marvel Unlimited #19
  751. Spider-Man Team-Up #1
  752. Excalibur vol 2
  753. New Mutants #59-#61 (Fall of the Mutants)
  754. Classic X-Men #43
  755. IvX #0-#6
  756. X-Men #20-21 (I, Lucifer)
  757. Mechanix #1-6
  758. Journey Into Mystery: The Birth Of Krakoa
  759. WildC.A.T.s/X-Men
  760. Uncanny X-Men #190 & 191 (An Age Undreamed Of)
  761. Generation X/Gen13
  762. X-Men #157-160 (Day of the Atom)
  763. Excalibur #31
  764. Days Of Future Present
  765. Spotlight On Starjammers
  766. X-Force v1 #92 (Halloween Jack v Domino)
  767. Wolverine #102-103 (Wolverine + Elektra)
  768. Nova #22
  769. Wolverine: Rahne Of Terra
  770. Mystique #1-6
  771. Incredible Hulk #390-392, X-Factor #76 (War & Pieces)
  772. Cyberforce/X-Men
  773. X-Men 2 Prequel: Nightcrawler
  774. Magneto War
  775. Uncanny X-Men #460-461 (Mojo Rising!)
  776. X-Men vol 2 #½ (Thrall)
  777. Exiles #28-30 (Unnatural Instincts)
  778. Uncanny X-Men #487-491 (The Extremists)
  779. Marvel Team Up #135 (Spidey & Kitty)
  780. X-Men: The Movie Special #1 (WotC)
  781. GLX-Mas Special #1
  782. The Trial Of Juggernaut (Uncanny X-Men #435-436)
  783. Wolverine/Badrock
  784. X-Treme X-Men #31-36 (Intifada)
  785. Captain Britain #15-27 (Cap & Cap Vs Red Skull)
  786. Iceman Vol 2
  787. X-Men #177-179 (Decimation)
  788. Apocalypse Vs Dracula
  789. Ghost Rider #67-68 (Brood Feud II)
  790. X-Men: Die By The Sword
  791. Uncanny X-Men #395-#398 (Poptopia)
  792. X-Men #182-187 (The Blood Of Apocalypse)
  793. Gen13/Generation X
  794. Beauty & The Beast
  795. Uncanny X-Men #371, X-Men #91 & X-Men Annual 99 (Dawn Of M-Tech)
  796. Pryde & Wisdom
  797. Uncanny Avengers vol 1 #23-25 (March to AXIS)
  798. Child’s Play: X-Force/New Warriors
  799. New Mutants #7-12 (Nova Roma)
  800. X-Men: Heroes for Hope
  801. X-Men #3 (Beware of the Blob!)
  802. Onslaught (Cable)
  803. Star Trek/X-Men
  804. X-Men Unlimited 37 (Sacrificial Worlds)
  805. Youngblood/X-Force
  806. Star Trek: The Next Generation / X-Men: Second Contact
  807. Iceman vol 1
  808. Crypt of the Shadows #1 (2022) (Laura Kinney v Man-Thing)
  809. X-Men: Blue #10-12 (Toil & Trouble)
  810. Ultimate X-Men #75-78 (Cable)
  811. X-Force and Cable Annual ’97
  812. Onslaught (X-Force/X-Man)
  813. Stan Lee Presents: X-Men: The End: Book Two: Heroes and Martyrs
  814. Marvel’s Super-Heroes #10-11 (Ms Marvel)
  815. Nightcrawler vol 3 #7-12 (The Winding Way)
  816. Ultimate War
  817. Slingers #9
  818. Deadpool & the Mercs for Money Vol 2 #7-8 (IvX)
  819. Marvel Fanfare #33 (Quest Probe)
  820. Sabretooth/Mystique
  821. Wisdom Max
  822. Wolverine v4 #1-5 (Wolverine Goes To Hell)
  823. Rise Of Apocalypse
  824. New Mutants #29-34 (Gladiators/Karma)
  825. X-Men: Original Sin
  826. Uncanny X-Men #19 (Mimic)
  827. Avengers #298-300 (Inferno)
  828. X-Men: Blue #7-9 (Secret Empire)
  829. Emma Frost #7-12 (Mind Games)
  830. AXIS: Revolutions #3 (Kitty Robs A Bank)
  831. X-Men: Curse of the Mutants: Storm and Gambit
  832. Kings Of Pain
  833. Emma Frost #1-6 (Higher Learning)
  834. X-Man #67-70 (Infinites Of Evil)
  835. X-23 Vol 1 (Innocence Lost)
  836. Marvel Holiday Special 2004 (X-Men X-Mas)
  837. X-Men Green
  838. Avengers #137-137 (Beast Joins)
  839. Ultimate X-Men #94-97 (Banshee)
  840. Wolverine Origins #37-40 (Romulus)
  841. Wolverine: Knight Of Terra
  842. Spider-Man, Power Man & Storm: Smokescreen
  843. Adventures of the X-Men #11-12
  844. Spider-Man and the New Mutants
  845. Wolverine vol 3 #36-40 (Origins and Endings)
  846. Excalibur #118-119 (Dark Night Of The Bamfs)
  847. X-Men Unlimited #17 (Faceoff)
  848. Incredible Hulk #148 (But Tomorrow — The Sun Shall Die!)
  849. X-Men Morlock Madness
  850. Dark X-Men: The Confession
  851. Timestorm 2009-2099: X-Men
  852. All New X-Men vol 2 #1-3 (The Ghosts Of Cyclops)
  853. What If #60 (X-Men Wedding Special)
  854. Marvel Comics Presents #1-9 (Vigil)
  855. Marvel Digital Holiday Special #1 (If the Fates Allow)
  856. X-Men Unlimited #32 (Behind The Music)
  857. X-Men Noir
  858. Weapon X Noir
  859. Wolverine #49 (Better To Give…)
  860. Mutant X #31-32 & Annual 2002 (Beyonder)
  861. Incredible Hulk #161
  862. Amazing Spider-Man #420 (Twas A Night Before X-Man)
  863. X-Men #40 (Frankenstein)
  864. Uncanny X-Men #106 (All-New v Original X-Men)
  865. X-Men: Days Of Future Past – Doomsday
  866. X-Men: Hidden Years #6-7
  867. X-Men v2 #100-102 (Revolutions)
  868. Gambit & Bishop (Sons of the Atom)
  869. Astonishing X-Men #38,40,42 (Meanwhile)
  870. Prophet/Cable
  871. X-Men Forever #1-5 (Love — and Loss!)
  872. Ultimate X-Men #98-100, Requiem #1 (Ultimatum)
  873. Civil War II X-Men
  874. X-Force/Youngblood
  875. Captain Marvel #2-#3
  876. Marvel Mangaverse X-Men
  877. X-Men: Survival Guide to the Mansion
  878. Uncanny X-Men #291-293 (Morlocks Take Manhatten)
  879. Pint-Sized X-Babies: Murderama
  880. Phalanx Covenant: Life Signs
  881. Wolverine #98-100 (Furnace Of His Mind, Anvil Of His Heart)
  882. X-Man #45-47 & Cable #63 (Blood Brothers)
  883. X-Men/Alpha Fight Vol. 2
  884. X-Factor #82-83 (X-Patriots)
  885. Excalibur #115 (Missionaries)
  886. X-Factor vol 1 #1-#6
  887. X-Patrol
  888. Origin
  889. New Mutants vol 2 #7-12 (The Ties That Bind)
  890. X-Man #5-7 (The Man Who Fell To Earth)
  891. Wolverine #69-71 (Savage Land)
  892. Brotherhood
  893. Deadpool #27 (vs Wolverine)
  894. Excalibur #83-85 (The Soul Sword Trilogy)
  895. X-Factor: The Quick And The Dead
  896. Mutant X #4-12 & Annual 1999 (Goblin Queen)
  897. X-Men Unlimited vol 1 #4 (This is the one where Mystique yeets a baby)
  898. New Mutants #86 (Rusty & Skids vs Vulture) 
  899. Wolverine #88 (vs Deadpool)
  900. Wolverine #159-161 (The Best There Is)
  901. Marvel Girl #1 (From The Ashes)
  902. What If? Wolverine: Enemy Of The State
  903. X-Men And The Micronauts
  904. What If? #6 (What If The X-Men Lost Inferno)
  905. Onslaught
  906. Wolverine #125-128 (Wolverine Viper Wedding)
  907. X-Women
  908. X-Men Unlimited v2 #1
  909. Domino vol 1
  910. Spider-Man & X-Factor: Shadowgames
  911. Psylocke and Archangel Crimson Dawn
  912. X-Treme X-Men #5-9 (Surfer’s Paradise)
  913. Alpha Flight #17
  914. X-Men: Liberators
  915. Uncanny X-Men #442-443 (Of Darkest Nights)
  916. What If? Astonishing X-Men
  917. Magneto Rex
  918. Uncanny Avengers #1-5
  919. X-Men: Manifest Destiny
  920. Legion
  921. Phoenix: Warsong
  922. Stan Lee Presents: X-Men: The End: Book One: Dreamers and Demons
  923. Phoenix: Endsong
  924. Generation X Annual Vol 1 1995 (Mondo)
  925. X-Men: Black Sun
  926. Young X-Men #7
  927. Marvel Comics Presents #24-31 (Pharaoh’s Legacy)
  928. Secret Invasion: X-Men
  929. Uncanny X-Men #500-503 (SFX)
  930. Excalibur #1-4 (Forging The Sword)
  931. X-Man #34-36 (Messiah Complex)
  932. X-Men Forever
  933. The Shattering
  934. X-Men: Prelude to Perdition
  935. Marvel Super-Heroes Special #6-8
  936. X-Men: Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse
  937. Typhoid Fever
  938. Uncanny X-Men #425-426 (Sacred Vows)
  939. Uncanny X-Men #384-385, X-Men #104 (Crimson Pirates)
  940. Uncanny X-Men: First Class #4 (Jean & Daughters Of The Dragon)
  941. Mojo Worldwide
  942. Young X-Men #1-5
  943. X-Force #59-61 (The Shatterstar Saga)
  944. Apocalypse: The Twelve
  945. X-Men #43-45 & Avengers #53 (The Silver Age AvX)
  946. Ages Of Apocalypse
  947. AXIS
  948. Eve of Destruction
  949. Wolverine & The X-Men vol 2 #1-6 (Tomorrow Never Learns)
  950. Wolverine vol 3 #13-19 (Return of the Native)
  951. X-Men Unlimited vol 2 #7
  952. Venom: Tooth and Claw #1-3
  953. Wild Thing #4
  954. Mutant X: Origins #1
  955. X-Men Gold #1-3 (Back To Basics)
  956. X-Men Adventures Vol. 3 #10-13 (Dark Phoenix Saga)
  957. X-Men: Animation Special
  958. X-Force: Shatterstar
  959. Uncanny X-Men Special #1, Iron Man Special #1, and Nova Special #1 (No End In Sight)
  960. Dazzler: The Movie
  961. Dazzler: X-Song
  962. Starjammers vol 2
  963. X-Factor #39-40 (Multiple Birth)
  964. Uncanny X-Men #17-22 (We Have Always Been)
  965. Uncanny X-Men #508-511 (Sisterhood)
  966. X-Factor Special: Prisoner of Love
  967. X-Men Vol 1 #22-23 (Silver Age Count Nefaria)
  968. Deadpool Vs X-Force
  969. X-Men vol 1 #30 (The Warlock Wakes!)
  970. X-Men #28 (First Banshee)
  971. X-Treme X-Men #36-39 (Storm: The Arena)
  972. X-Men v2 #171-174 (Bizarre Love Triangle)
  973. Amazing Adventures #9-10
  974. Poison X
  975. Fantastic Four #406-414 (Hyperstorm)
  976. The Legend Of The Darkclaw
  977. All New Exiles Vs. X-Men Vol 1 #0
  978. New Mutants #56-58 (Bird-Brain Saga)
  979. What If…? #37 (What If Wolverine Was Lord Of The Vampires During Inferno)
  980. Wolverine vol 3 #57-61 (Logan Dies) 
  981. X-Men 100th Anniversary Special
  982. God Loves, Man Kills II (X-Treme X-Men #25-#30)
  983. New Mutants Forever
  984. Magneto vol 1
  985. Witchblade/Wolverine
  986. NYX #1-7
  987. Wolverine vol 3 #50-55 (Evolution)
  988. X-Force Vol 2 (X-Force & Cable: The Legend Returns)
  989. Meet The X-Men (Board Book)
  990. Uncanny X-Men #423-424 (Holy War)
  991. Uncanny X-Men #437-441 (She Lies With Angels)
  992. Ultimatium
  993. All-New Exiles #Infinity, #1-3
  994. X-Nation 2099
  995. Phoenix Resurrection (1995)
  996. X-Men Phoenix: Legacy of Fire
  997. Fantomex MAX
  998. Uncanny X-Men #428-#434 (The Draco)
  999. 2099: World of Tomorrow