Batman: Dark Patterns #4 starts a new arc that looks to be as strong as the first

A new arc begins as Batman must make his way through an apartment complex to save a captured police officer. The apartment complex, though, has something more sinister hiding beneath the surface. Batman: Dark Patterns #4 is written by Dan Watters, drawn by Hayden Sherman, colored by Triona Farrell and lettered by Frank Cvetkovic. Will…

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Mark Waid continues to be good at comics in BatChat (Plus, The Question in space!)

While Two-Face joins forces with the General, and Batman and Robin experience growing pains in their relationship, Bruce Wayne faces a threat like none he has ever experienced: Gotham Child Protective Services. Batman & Robin: Year One #2 is written by Mark Waid, drawn and colored by Chris Samnee and lettered by Clayton Cowles and…

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