MaREADers: Set Sail For Madripoor As Homines Verendi Makes Their First Move In Marauders #5

The pieces Gerry Duggan, Matteo Lolli, Lucas Werneck, and Fredrico Blee have been setting up are finally coming into play in Marauder #5. While the Hellfire Trading Company is facing butting heads with each other, their dominance on the high seas is challenged by an allegiance between the nations who find Krakoa distasteful, and human…

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[To]X-Men: Magneto Gives A Speech, Apocalypse Eats Gazpacho In X-Men #4

Magneto, Apocalypse, and Xavier have lunch with diplomats, while Cyclops and Gorgon ensure to harm comes to them in Jonathan Hickman, Lenil Francis Yu, Sunny Gho, and the late Gerry Alanguilan’s X-Men #4. Chris Eddleman: Rob, even after the miss that was the last issue of this book, I’ve been craving some X-Men. The main…

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Marvel Files: The Heroes of the Marvel Universe Investigate a Murder in Incoming! #1

A veritable smorgasbord of Marvel writers and artists bring us a murder mystery, as well as tantalize with lead-ins and hooks for the stories of 2020 in this follow-up to the story spine of Marvel Comics #1000 and 1001.  Ari Bard: Incoming was… not what I thought it was going to be and pretty fun? …

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Excalibuddies: The Veil Between Worlds Is Torn Asunder In Excalibur #4

Tini Howard and Marcus To continue to cast a spell in Excalibur #4. Captain Britain becomes authorized, the Akkaba Coven makes their move, and Rictor is worshiped as a god as this opening arc spirals towards its’ conclusion. Charlie: Hey Nola. I’M NOT DEAD. A little ritual magic, strength of will, and the power of friendship has…

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X-Forced Into It: The Team Finally Explodes Into Action In X-Force #4

In a perfect world, X-Force wouldn’t be necessary. But as the past three issue have told us, that is not the case. In X-Force #4, Ben Percy and Joshua Cassara finally hit their stride in giving us Mutant CIA and the brains and the brawn of Mutant Intelligence. This All-New, All-Different, All-State-Sanctioned X-Force doesn’t come…

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MaREADers: The Hellfire Trading Company Faces Competition From Some Old Enemies In Marauders #4

In Gerry Duggan and Lucas Wernek’s Marauders #4, the team splits up to handle the core tenets of their mandate. Storm leads a group to rescue mutants while Kate and Bishop go on a heist while expanding the Inner Circle of the Hellfire Company. Meanwhile, the humans recuit pre-teen terrorists to combat the Marauders. Christi…

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What’s New, Mutants?: A New Cast Of Mutants Discovers The Downside Of The Big Pharma In New Mutants #3 & 4

Reveling in the paradise of Krakoa, Glob Herman and Armor question how any mutant could want to stay away. Inspired, they set off on an adventure to bring their friends Beak and Angel to the island. Unfortunately, in Ed Brisson, Flaviano, and Marco Failla’s New Mutants #3 & 4, their plan doesn’t go off without…

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Excalibuddies: The Key To Mutant Magic Is Revealed In Excalibur #3

Tini Howard and Marcus To continue to cast a spell in Excalibur #3. As Captain Britain and her knights battle the forces of Otherworld, •┤Ȧ├• finds the key to his experiments in Julio Rictor. Nola Pfau: Welcome to the latest installment of Excalibuddies! As always, Charlie and I are here to provide you some in-depth…

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MaREADers: A Family Reunion Leads To Trouble On The High Seas In Marauders #3

Sebastian Shaw has machinations. Machinations bore out in Gerry Duggan, Michele Bandini, Elisabeth D’Amico, and Federico Blee’s Marauders #3. His son, Shinobi, is reborn, and Shaw sees this as an opportunity to consolidate power on Krakoa. Ever the scheamer, he tells Shinobi that his previous death was orchestrated by Emma Frost & Kate Pryde, setting…

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[To]X-Men: Breaking Down The New Biological Threat In X-Men #3

The Savage Land is under attack in X-Men #3 by Jonathan Hickman, Leinil Francis Yu, Gerry Alanguilan, Sunny Gho, and Rain Beredo. Cyclops, Emma Frost, and Sebastian Shaw confront Hordeculture, a group of radical bioterrorists comprised of elderly women with massive plans. Plans that are threatened by Krakoa. They show the X-Men the extent of…

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X-Forced Into It: The Death Of Xavier Leads To A Pulse-Pounding Investigation In X-Force #2

 In a perfect world, X-Force wouldn’t be necessary. That lasted a matter of days. In X-Force #2, Ben Percy, Joshua Cassara, and Dean White show us Krakoa in mourning. When beloved leader Charles Xavier is brutally assassinated, some turn to faith, others to science, and others to revenge. Unfortunately, there is no fix during a…

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What’s New, Mutants?: The Future Of The Shi’Ar Empire Revealed In New Mutants #2

Jonathan Hickman and Rod Reis bring us the space adventures of the space New Mutants as they escape space jail and hang out with their space friends in New Mutants #2. They get a chance to meet up with their old friends Cannonball and Smasher before getting conscripted into Shi’ar Imperial business involving Deathbird and…

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