Batgirl Meets Ghost-Spider in Our Spoiler-Free Review of Heroes Reborn: Night-Gwen #1

Marvel & DC are not comic companies. This should not be shocking to people who have paid attention at any point in their lifetime—they also aren’t film, television, or entertainment companies. In the same way that McDonald’s value doesn’t come from burgers, but from real estate, the Big 2’s value doesn’t come from their stories….

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Hellfile Gala Comics XF Hero Image

Appetizers Are Served As The Hellfire Gala Begins

You are cordially invited to The Hellfire Gala featuring Marauders #21 by Gerry Duggan, Matteo Lolli, Edgar Delgado and Cory Petit, X-Force #20 by Benjamin Percy, Joshua Cassara, Guru-eFX and Joe Caramanga, and Hellions #12 by Zeb Wells, Stephen Segovia, David Curiel and Ariana Maher. Best pay attention, there will be fireworks like the world…

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Subliminal Advertising and More Evil Imaginary Tricks in Department of Truth #9

What if you could sneak ads into someone’s media and influence their consumption without them even knowing it? Like Inception but with advertising. Good thing that doesn’t exist. Or does it? It’s Department of Truth #9 by writer James Tynion IV, artist Martin Simmonds, letterer Aditya Bidikar, designer Dylan Todd and editor Steve Foxe.  Will…

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