A Tale of Poe Dameron’s Parents in Star Wars #12!

In the midst of ā€œOperation: Starlightā€, Kes Dameron & Princess Leia reflect on their lost loves in Star Wars #12 written by Charles Soule, art by Ramon Rosanas, colored by Rachelle Rosenberg, and lettered by VCā€™s Clayton Cowles While this issue technically continues the ā€œOperation: Starlightā€ storyline, which features the post-Empire Strikes Back Rebel Alliance…

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The Great Infinite Frontier #0 ComicsXF Roundtable

Matt Lazorwitz: Welcome to ComicsXFā€™s roundtable discussion of DCā€™s new linewide event introduction, Infinite Frontier #0. Iā€™m Matt Lazorwitz, the guy who came up with this harebrained scheme, and Iā€™d like to start with everyone here sounding off. Letā€™s see who Iā€™ve been able to gather from our illustrious staff. Tony Thornley: Hi, Iā€™m Tony…

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Department of Truth Continues Stupefyingly Good Run with #6

What if it was actually the year 1724? Wouldnā€™t that be something? Vishal Gullapalli, Forrest Hollingsworth and Will Nevin team up to talk over Department of Truth #6 by James Tynion IV, Elsa Charretier, Matt Hollingsworth, Aditya Bidikar, Dylan Todd and Steve Foxe. Will Nevin: Well that was a hell of a final page, wasnā€™t…

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