Swashbuckling & Subterfuge As X Of Swords Shakes Up The Status Quo In Hellions #5, New Mutants #13, & Cable #5

Ten swords, ten champions, ten battles for the fate of the world. X Of Swords continues to build towards the tournament this week. First Austin Gorton & Liz Large remind us that “‘if you ain’t cheatin’, you ain’t tryin’” with Hellions #5 by Zeb Wells, Carmen Carnero, David Curiel, and Ariana Maher. Then Allison Senecal…

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The Kids Are Not All Right As We Look At Miles Morales: Spider-Man #19, Champions #1, and Magnificent Ms. Marvel #15

Hello friends and readers, it’s an all Outlawed special this week in the Marvel Files, as we check in to see if the teens are all right. Jude Jones will be giving us his deep thoughts on Miles Morales: Spider Man #19, Zoe Tunnell will be hitting the main event in Champions #1, and Matt…

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X Of Swords Advances As Storm And Wolverine Take Centerstage In Wolverine #6, X-Force #13, & Marauders #13

Ten swords, ten champions, ten battles for the fate of the world. X Of Swords continues this week with three comics about two heroes. First Pierce Lightning & Tony Thornley set the stage with Benjamin Percy, Viktor Bogdanovic, Matthew Wilson, and Cory Petit’s Wolverine #6. Then Ari Bard & Kenneth Laster keep things moving with…

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Review: ‘Ludocrats’ goes full meta Looney Tunes in finale

Ludocrats #5  Writers: Kieron Gillen and Jim Rossignol; Artist: Jeff Stokely; Colors: Tamra Bonvillain with Fernando Arguello; Letterer: Clayton Cowles; Publisher: Image Like a person chaotically flipping through cable channels (Or maybe toggling through the “Because You Watched The Great British Bake Off” section of the Netflix menu), I could flit through the many tickling…

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Every Conspiracy Is Real, But We Know What the Bad Ones Are, in Image’s ‘Department of Truth’ #1

Cole Turner has studied conspiracy theories all his life, but he isn’t prepared for what happens when he discovers that all of them are true, from the JFK assassination to flat-earth theory and reptilian shapeshifters. One organization has been covering them up for generations. What is the deep, dark secret behind the Department of Truth?…

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Tales of the Past Are Brought to the Present as We Look at Giant-Size X-Men: Tribute to Wein and Cockrum, Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #4, Fantastic Four #24, and Shang-Chi #1!

Hello friends and readers, after a brief week off we have a giant Marvel Minutiae this week. I stole from Zack both in content and collaborators, and as such Adam Reck will be giving us an artist-eye view on Giant-Size X-Men: Tribute to Wein and Cockrum. Liz Large gives us her thoughts on Star Wars:…

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X Of Swords Chapter 2 Raises The Stakes When Death Has New Meaning In X-Factor #4

After their ill-fated trip to Otherworld, the mutants of Krakoa have learned a terrible truth and are preparing for war. But what is war without death? Leah Williams, Carlos Gomez, Israel Silva and Joe Caramagna show us in X-Factor #4. Cori McCreery: SWORDS! SWORDS! SWORDS! SWORDS! SWORDS! SWORDS! SWORDS! SWORDS! SWORDS! SWORDS! SWORDS! SWORDS! SWORDS!…

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Review: Vault’s ‘The Autumnal’ Pretty to Look at, but Writing Burs Abound

The Autumnal #1 Writer: Daniel Kraus, Artist: Chris Shehan, Colorist: Jason Wordie, Letterer: Jim Campbell, Publisher: Vault Writers — all of whom loathe the process of editing — have plenty of advice for getting through the ordeal. British writer Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch wrote in 1916 that scribes should “[m]urder your darlings,” meaning that those funny…

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HoX PoX ToX: An Index Of The House Of X & Powers Of X Annotations On Xavier Files & Polygon

House Of X & Powers Of X were amazing, and HoX PoX ToX was annotations of the two-series-that-are-one by Jonathan Hickman, Pepe Larraz, RB Silva and Marte Gracia. They were hosted on Xavier Files until Polygon offered to pay us. It was great, helped relaunch Xavier Files into a real website, all that stuff. But…

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Matt Murdock Faces the Long Arm of the Law in Daredevil #22

After a reality altering Annual, main arc “Truth/Dare” continues in Daredevil #22. Written by Chip Zdarsky, penciled by Francesco Mobili, inked by Victor Olazaba, colored by Mattia Iacono, and lettered by Clayton Cowles, Daredevil #22 finds Matt Murdock inching closer and closer to his day in court. Knowing as such, he reaches out beyond his…

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