Future State Swamp Thing 2

The Future is Actually Eternal Darkness in DC’s Future State: Swamp Thing #2

Jason Woodrue and Obsidian threaten to plunge the world into eternal darkness and our only hope is…vegetables?!  Join us in looking at Future State: Swamp Thing #2, written by Ram V, penciled by Mike Perkins, colored by June Chung and lettered by Aditya Bidikar. Ari Bard: Hey Vishal… I think plants are our only hope. …

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Crisis Command FAQ

I believe I’m in danger right now. How do I get you to come? Don’t wait. Our contact form on this site is linked directly to our Crisis Alert. You’ll be connected to our main server, or to the emergency service of your choosing. You’ll also be given the option to download our pre-programmed, emergency-use…

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Multiple Organ Transplants in Warhammer 40K: Marneus Calgar #4

Marneus finally becomes the marine his friend promised he would be in Warhammer 40K: Marneus Calgar #4 by Kieron Gillen, Jacen Burrows, Java Tartaglia, and Clayton Cowles. Forrest Hollingsworth: Justin it’s the penultimate issue of Marneus Calgar and between the gore, heresy, inquisitorial questioning, and warrior poetry we’ve got a lot to talk about! Are…

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