Things Aren’t As They Seem In Hellions #9

Let’s play some funny games in Hellions #9, from Zeb Wells, Stephen Segovia, David Curiel, and Ariana Maher. Liz Large: Last issue, we discovered some not-so-great Krakoan rules about robots. This issue will be the one where nothing terrible happens, right?  Austin Gorton: I mean, statistically speaking, there’s bound to be one issue without something…

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The Red Queen Meets Another Dark Monarch. It’s King In Black: Marauders #1

Earth has fallen. The leaders of the X-Men have fallen. The Marauders? They keep on swimming through the goo. Gerry Duggan, Luke Ross, Carlos Lopez, and Cory Petit tie into King In Black: Marauders #1. Christina Eddleman: I’m so excited to talk about everyone’s favorite kind of issue – a tie-in! Facetious as I may…

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Where Things Stand: X-Men Vote 2021

Hi, I’m Robert Secundus, and welcome to the 616, the first and only home for Marvel Fan Election Polling commentary. Today I’m going to be talking about our X-Men Election model and its predictions. What experience do I have in polling, statistics modelling, or elections? Absolutely none, but I followed 538’s articles and podcasts for…

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The Truth is Out There in WandaVision Episode 4

CXF Division Field Office #218 Location: [REDACTED], Ohio Mikey Zee: Well, we’ve picked up some significant anomalous materials from this week’s broadcast. Myself and my partner on today’s mission (and life) Charlie Davis have attempted to identify recurring themes and significant
 refractions from established source material. I believe we have compiled a thorough report for…

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The X Spot: Cheers to the Good Dads

Loyal Content Consumer, we made it through another week. Together. 10. Batman: Dreamland. Writer: Alan Grant, Artists: Norm Breyfogle and Noelle C. Giddings, Publisher: DC “Batman: The Abduction” was at least charming in its weirdness: Was Batman really taken by little green men to be poked and prodded? Did he travel the cosmos via astral…

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DC Future State Month One Wraps with the Legion, Lex Luthor and Batman/Superman

Greetings and salutations, friends. We’re headed back to the future (Acknowledge the pun! Acknowledge it!) with three time-tossed tales from Detective Comics Comics. First, Brian Michael Bendis and Riley Rossmo future hard with a vengeance in Legion of Super-Heroes #1. Then, Mark Russell and Steve Pugh do their social-issues schtick in Superman vs. Imperious Lex…

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