Nothing Can Stop The Juggernaut, Except Maybe The US Legal System. Find Out In Juggernaut #3

Cain Marko goes to court in Juggernaut #3. Written by Fabian Nicieza, penciled by Ron Garney, colored by Matt Milla, and lettered by Joe Sabino the third issue of Marko’s miniseries finds him facing down a small claims court thanks to the fallout of his iconic first duel with Spider-Man. But forces outside of the…

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The Past Never Dies This Week on Marvel Files with Captain America #25 and Amazing Spider-Man #53!

Hello friends and readers! It’s a terrific twofer this week as Jude Jones explores Captain America #25, and Vishal Gullapalli digs into yet another issue of webslinging with Amazing Spider-Man #53! Captain America #25 Written by: Ta-Nehisi Coates ( back up: Anthony Falcone) Art by: Leonard Kirk (back up: Michael Cho) Colors by: Matt Milla…

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The Adventures of the Young, Hot Ex-Presidents Continue in ‘Commanders in Crisis’ #2

The Crisis Command, last survivors of the multiverse, are faced with an impossible task: avenging the death…of an idea! DOA is empathy itself, and while empathy withers and dies across the world, Originator uses her abilities to bring the John Doe back for 24 hours to reveal the name of his killer. It’s Image’s “Commanders…

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Can Krakoa Recover From Such A Devastating Start? X Of Swords Barrels Towards Its Conclusion In X-Force #14, Hellions #6 & Cable #6

Ten swords, ten champions, ten nearly forty battles for the fate of the world. The soul still burns as the tournament continues. Kenneth Laster & Ari Bard lead us through Saturnyne’s whims in X-Force #16 by Benjamin Percy, Gerry Duggan, Joshua Cassara, Guru-eFX, and Cory Petit. Then Liz Large & Austin Gorton try something completely…

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The Most Esoteric X-Men Reference In Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales Isn’t About Dazzler, It’s About A Lobster

Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales dropped last week exclusively on the Playstation 4 and the Playstation 5. While the game is indeed a rip-roaring good time with excellent characters, graphics, and gameplay there has not been nearly enough discussion on the most important easter egg in the game. Beware mild late-game spoilers ahead. Bill the Lobster,…

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Ed Brisson Returns to Crime Comics with ‘Catch & Release: A Murder Book Story’ on Kickstarter

Ed Brisson has done a lot of notable work for Marvel the past couple years, including a well-received run on “Ghost Rider,” co-writing “X-Men: Disassembled” with Kelly Thompson and Matthew Rosenberg, co-writing “New Mutants” with Jonathan Hickman and a one-page story in an X-Men Christmas special that made Glob Herman everyone’s favorite good globby boy. …

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Kat Calamia talks about her teen-superhero Kickstarter ‘Like Father, Like Daughter’

Some kids think of their parents as superheroes; usually that’s a good thing. But when it turns out your dad has superpowers and ditches your family to become the one superhero in the world, well, the reality doesn’t quite live up to the fantasy.  “Like Father, Like Daughter” — by writer Kat Calamia, artist Wayne…

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‘I Didn’t Expect a Series Involving a Pandemic to Actually Be Interrupted by a Pandemic’: Mark Russell on ‘Billionaire Island’ & More

Mark Russell and Steve Pugh’s AHOY Comics series “Billionaire Island” arrived in early March as an uneasy world watched what would soon be declared a pandemic spread across the globe and collectively tugged on its collar and made a big cartoon gulping sound. Suddenly, the idea of the world’s billionaires moving to a floating island…

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Sensational Character Find of 2020 or Poochie: We Review Punchline #1 in a Bat Chat Special

Spinning out of “Joker War,” Punchline, Joker’s newest sidekick/associate/disciple, gets the spotlight in this one-shot, where the forgotten member of the Bat family, Harper Row, her brother, Cullen, and Leslie Thompkins each find something about Batman’s newest rogue to fear or aspire to. It’s “Punchline” #1 from James Tynion IV, Sam Johns, Mirka Andolfo, Romulo…

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Adam Hughes’ Art Subtracts by Adding to ‘Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: The Seven Wives Club’

Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: The Seven Wives Club Writer: Mike Mignola, Artist: Adam Hughes, Letterer: Clem Robins, Publisher: Dark Horse Hellboy lives and dies on tone. It’s the reason every Hellboy movie is missing that little bit of magic Mike Mignola brings. It’s gothic, reflective, tinged with sorrow and regret. That’s what ghost stories are…

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